Broadcast United

Legalization or Apostille of Kbis

Broadcast United News Desk


Legalization or Apostille of Kbis

LEGAL OFFICE ensures that your Kbis legalization or apostille request is handled simply, quickly and carefully.

What is Kbis?

this Kebis It is the company’s ID card. This is a Official documents Depend on Commercial Court Registry It proves the legal existence of a commercial enterprise and its registration in the Trade and Companies Register. International validity is 3 months.

Extracts Kebis Contains basic information about the company, namely: name of registered office, company name, abbreviation, brand, identification number, legal form (SARL, SA, SCI, etc.), amount of share capital and currency, address of head office, duration of company existence, date of incorporation, NAF code, details of activities, address of main establishment, functions, surname, first name, date and place of birth, nationality, address of key executives and directors and auditors.

What is the use of legalization or apostille of Kbis?

We are often asked to submit documents Kebis In other countries there are different organizations such as companies, schools or authorities. These countries require a guarantee of authenticity and consistency of these documents. The certification of signatures and seals must be carried out by:

A procedure called “Apostille” (applicable in countries that are party to the Hague Convention).

Another procedure legalization » To the Minister of Foreign Affairs and then to the consular section of the embassy of the country where the document was received.
Exemption from any procedure legalization or Hague Apostille.

What is Kbis Legalization?

It is a form of proof of the authenticity of the signature, the capacity of the person signing the deed to act, and the identity of the seal on the deed.

Depending on the file type (Regulations, certificates of origin, Kbis, invoices, letters of authorization…) and relevant national regulations, the program will include the following certifications:

- Original “KBIS” document issued by the Commercial Court Registry.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs (MAE),

- Finally, go to the embassy of the relevant country for legalization.

What is Kbis Apostille?

An apostille is a certificate verifying the origin of a public document.

To generate a document like Kebis It is usually necessary to legalize the document in a country other than the one where it was produced, that is, to resort to a whole series of certifications and officials in the countries of departure and destination.

In other words, the process can sometimes be very long. In order to simplify these procedures, many countries signed the Hague Convention or the Hague Apostille Convention in 1961, which reduced the legalization process to a single formality: issuing a certificate of authentication, the famous Hague apostille, which will include the following certification:

- Court of Appeal

Who requires Kbis legalization or apostille?

this legalization or Hague Apostille Kbis is a formality required by the foreign authorities receiving the document, except for agreements concerning authentication (legalization, Hague Apostille or exemption from any legalization or apostille procedure).

If you have any questions, please call + 33 (0)1 42 56 32 32

The Legal Office allows companies to entrust all procedures required for the legalization or apostille of Kbis or other documents to:

- City Hall.

- The Île-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

- French-Arab Chamber of Commerce (CCFA).

- Court of Appeal.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (MAE)

- Embassy/Consulate.

Afghanistan|South Africa|Albania|Algeria|Germany|Andorra|England|Angola|Anguilla|Antarchitecture|Antigua and Barbuda|Netherlands Antilles|Saudi Arabia|Argentina|Armenia|Aruba|Australia|Austria|Azerbaijan|Bahamas|Bahrain|Barbados|Bangladesh|Belgium|Belize|Benin|Bermuda|Bhutan|Belarus|Bolivia|Bosnia and Herzegovina|Botswana|Brazil|Brunei|Bulgaria|Burkina Faso|Burundi|Cambodia|Cameroon|Canada|Cape Verde|Dutch Caribbean|Central African Republic|Chile|China|Cyprus|Colombia|Comoros|Congo Brazzaville|Congo Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo|North Korea|South Korea|Costa Rica|Ivory Coast|Croatia|Cuba|Denmark|Djibouti|Dominican Republic|Egypt|United Arab Emirates|Ecuador|Eritrea|Spain|Estonia | United States | Ethiopia | Fiji | Finland | France | Gabon | Gambia | Georgia | South Georgia and South Sandwich | Ghana | Gibraltar | Greece | Grenada | Greenland | Guadeloupe | Guam | Guatemala | Guernsey | Guinea-Bissau | Guinea Conakry | Equatorial Guinea | Guyana | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary | Aland Islands | Bouvet Island | Cayman Islands | Christmas Island | Cocos Keeling Islands | Cook Islands |Heard Island and McDonald|Falkland Islands|Falklands|Faroe Islands|Isle of Man|Northern Mariana Islands|Marshall Islands|Mauritius|U.S. Minor Outlying Islands|Norfolk Island|Pitcairn Islands|Reunion Island|Solomon Islands|Seychelles|Turks and Caicos Islands|British Virgin Islands|U.S. Virgin Islands|India|French West Indies|Indonesia|Iraq|Iran|Ireland|Iceland|Israel|Italy|Jamaica|Japan |


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