When mentioned Film Industry One of the problems most often attributed to the industry and its development in recent years is Lack of female references In the field of cinema. Like other cultural sectors in Spain, cinema remains an ecosystem. Excessive masculinityespecially in areas dedicated to production.
Director: Spanish womana film festival Exhibitions and memorials Work with pride Fifty Women In this country, it has a solid and firm goal: Fighting this historical erasure Women’s work Behind the Scenes By promoting their works and Diversity They exist. Today, the exhibition is the first platform for the screening of short films and documentaries. Entirely female-run In Madrid.
This year, between September 4-8this quote “Non-competitive” will celebrate its tenth edition and will At the Madrid Film Centerscreening works by directors such as Carla Simon, Arancha Echevarria, Paula Ortiz, Celia Rico, Estefania Cortes o Estebaliz Urezola of Solagur.
All of their work not only highlights the extraordinary work of these filmmakers, but also addresses (and, therefore, makes visible) experience Essential Proper femininitywhich are usually scattered throughout traditional cinemas. An example of this is First Job of Clara Bilbao, We treat women so well.a black comedy, opens the 10th anniversary season.
Along this line of thought, this year More than 40% programming will consist of the first Filmmaker’s Worksreflecting, they affirm, “Infinite Creativity and continuous production Spanish woman. ” The filmmaker and costume designer had already participated in the first edition of the competition (2015) with her short film PIt is forbidden to throw dead bodies into the trash.
In addition to watching unreleased feature films and documentaries (covering Huge melting pot of themes)In this exhibition they also proposed forum, seminar, Meeting yes Roundtable. However, this year’s star format is a short film consisting of seven audiovisual works, such as Uraniumof Maria Arenas,comedy Teresa Peron Red yellow red o spiralof Maria Silvia Esteve.
In this way, the event aims to be a loudspeaker for female voices in the field of cinema, in order to “open up new realities to society, Unprecedented presentation and format for Exclusion of women of Exhibition route“While the gender gap in our country is narrowing every day due to initiatives like these, statistics reinforce this idea History is underrepresented.
according to CIMA 2023 ReportA detailed analysis of the presence of women in the film industry, working behind the camera in the world of feature films 38% for women and 62% for men. In addition, they are more represented in professional groups. Located at the base and intermediate positions, but representation decreases with increasing position In the power structureThis is particularly evident in management fields, where women dominate. 29% of the allegations compared to an overwhelming 71% for men.
All creators will be invited to present their work and the public will have the opportunity to talk to them live. Celia de Molinacreator isolation, She won the award for her latest work as a director and screenwriter Women’s shorts 2023.
Towards a ‘Consent-Based Culture’ in Film
Another aspect of the film is Maria Herrerathe winner Goya’s short fiction 2023. His Regulatory Meeting Intimate scenes One of the things is creating a safe environment for women when shooting this kind of footage Make real works to this version. To do this, Feminist approach Crossover is essential.
lie in Between taboo and shameWith the help of the Spanish Association of Intimacy Coordination, the debate on the ethics behind sex scenes has been given priority during the festival’s tenth anniversary.AESCI).
Therefore, the Women Directors Organization ensures that they seek to “standardize the work of intimate scenes in the audiovisual industry, moving from a transformative profession to a profession for women”. A safer, equal, feminist, non-racist sectorinclusive and based on a culture of consent”.
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