Around 276,700 schoolchildren will start the new school year today. Of these, around 84,000 pupils and nearly 192,774 students will be sitting in desks. There will also be a special reception for 20,173 first-graders who will enter school for the first time this year. Among other things, various events will be held on the importance of children’s traffic education and the new school year in primary and secondary education. Bringing more innovation.
Minister of Education Daja Ferda Greetings to the first graders of Josip Plemlje Primary School in Bled, he wished everyone success as the school year began. He hoped that everyone would contribute to creating a safe, stimulating learning environment and that the school would be a place where knowledge is imparted and doors are opened to a world of dreams and aspirations.

In Kornana Korosken, Prime Minister Golob will welcome pupils from a local primary school together with Mayor Romana Lesjac and European Commission President von der Leyen. Photo: Jozef Suhadonik
President of the Republic Natasha Pielke MusarIn her speech on the first day of school, she, who will visit the Ljubljana Pediatric Clinic Hospital School today, reminded schoolchildren and students that, in addition to learning, school is also an opportunity to develop social skills and understand what it means to be a good person, to accept and appreciate differences, and to understand the needs of the community, not just one’s own.
Chairman DZ Urska Krakochar Zupancic However, she stressed that knowledge is the only wealth that no one can take away later in life. At the same time, it is wealth that can be accumulated in unlimited quantities without a guilty conscience or negative consequences for the planet and humanity. She wished the children all the best for the new school year.
Prime Minister Robert Dove He will also meet with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Mayor of Črna na Koroškem Romano Lesjak Greetings to the students of Erna Primary School.
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