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Should everyone walk into the dark? What will the increase in the price of Russian immigration patents lead to?

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Should everyone walk into the dark? What will the increase in the price of Russian immigration patents lead to?


Should everyone walk into the dark? What will the increase in the price of Russian immigration patents lead to?

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Russia introduced a patent system for foreign citizens in 2015. Patent fees depend on the region: in Moscow, for example, the fee is 4,000 rubles per month. In 2016, the price rose by 5% to 4,200 rubles, and in 2018, the price rose by 7% to 4,500 rubles.

A patent is an absolute necessity. Without this document, a visiting worker faces a fine of up to 7,000 rubles, deportation, and a ban from entering Russia for three to ten years. Employers who hire employees without a patent are subject to a fine and suspension of their business activities for up to 90 days.

On November 21, a major event took place: the Moscow City Duma supported a bill to increase the fees for the Moscow right to work patent. In 2019, its price will rise by 500 rubles (11%) to 5,000 rubles (about $75) per month.

A day later, on November 22, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the city’s revenue from legal migrant workers was growing and would exceed 16 billion rubles ($241 million) by the end of the year.

— The immigrants who paid such a high price for the patent were in a fair position compared to the Russians working in Moscow, because previously they did not pay anything at all, and of course, it was profitable to employ them, but today this situation has changed, — Point out mayor.

From January 1, 2019 450 rubles Will increase Patent fees for labor migrants who intend to work in the Moscow region. Thus, a Moscow region patent will cost 4,300 rubles ($64.6) in 2018 and 4,750 rubles ($71.5) in 2019.

Taras Efimov, chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Committee on Budget, Financial and Tax Policy, said the measure would raise an additional 1 billion rubles for the regional budget. Meanwhile, in 2018 the Moscow region’s patent revenues amounted to 6 billion rubles.

3500 to 3800 rubles Decide Increase the price of patents in St. Petersburg. As the city government points out, this was done because the incomes of foreign citizens began to increase significantly.

Filling out patent renewal documents. Photo from website

No wage growth

The head of the portal for finding immigrants and employers to apply for job vacancies expressed her views on what is happening Svetlana SaramovaShe failed to note the official increase in migrant workers’ wages.

— The salary of foreign citizens working in patents remains around 29-35 thousand rubles. Perhaps the Moscow authorities are paying attention to the highest-level specialists, whose “white” salary is 168 thousand rubles? — Saramova asked sarcastically.

According to her data, wage growth is noticeable only among citizens of Kyrgyzstan – after joining the Eurasian Economic Union, employers began to offer them 40-45 thousand rubles per month.

– But their work is not patented. (Citizens of the Eurasian Economic Union member states have the right to work in Russia without a patent, only on the basis of an employment contract. – Notes from Fergana). In addition, many Kyrgyz people agree to low wages of 19-20 thousand rubles. They do a small amount of work in one place, then work in parallel in several places at the same time, and finally collect a large amount of work. “The expert explained.

Svetlana Salamova does not rule out the possibility of an increase in patent costs, since employers are required to index wages starting with the New Year. Perhaps the authorities decided to increase patent fees for foreign citizens precisely because they took into account the wage indexation in the Moscow labor market.

Capital Immigration Center. Photo from website

However, this is how the workers themselves see it. Magomed From Khujand:

“The price of patents has increased for the third time since 2015, but my salary has not. We already spend a lot: $4,500 for the patent, we also pay for registration, $6,000 for housing, $5,000 for food, and $2,000 for travel. I also sometimes buy clothes and medicines, and there are unexpected expenses, such as a broken mobile phone. As a result, only 10,000 of my 35,000 ruble salary is left. Of course, an additional 500 rubles will affect my expenses: 6,000 rubles a year is the living expenses of an average family in Tajikistan for a month. This means that now my relatives will not be transferred for one month every year.”

Pushed into the grey area

Sergey Sobyanin, June 2017 Point outThe problem of illegal labor migration in Moscow has been largely resolved and is no longer a cause of concern for residents of the capital. Most migrants work legally and pay taxes regularly.

Experts believe that the increase in patent costs could lead to an increase in foreign workers who are unwilling to pay taxes.

— In percentage terms, the price of patents will increase by 11%. An additional 6 thousand per year does not seem like a lot of money. But for an immigrant who has earned this money away from his family, with blood, sweat, and a lot of hardship and risk, this amount – and the total cost of patents for the year, which was 60 thousand rubles, or $900 – is quite a lot. This means that some immigrants will decide to hide in the shadows. Therefore, Moscow is unlikely to significantly increase its budget, but will support policies that push immigrants into the gray area, with all the social consequences that come with it, the professor believes. Sergey Abashin.

Muhammad From Samarkand:

“Deputies said we were starting to make more money, which was strange. Each immigrant paid about 12,000 rubles to get a patent. Then he paid monthly for the patent itself, registration, housing, food and even Forced Bribe the police. They’ve taken money from us every step of the way. What are we going to send home? “

Lawyers and portal creators also did not see a pay rise migrant Bateljon Shermohammed.

— If you look at the ads, you will find that the salaries of immigrants working in patent jobs range from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. We monitor the labor market and no one is talking about salaries of 40 thousand rubles. On the contrary, in the country Getting worse There is an economic crisis going on, inflation is ongoing, the dollar exchange rate is rising, and migrants’ remittances are very dependent on it,” the lawyer said.

Sher Mohammed said the next increase in patent costs would cause immigration to fall into the shadows.

— If the economic situation is better, the price increase is understandable, but the trend is not good: prices in stores have risen, and the dollar has become more expensive. Ordinary people have no money, and it is difficult to register. According to the law, patent fees cannot be late for a day. If a migrant worker’s salary is in arrears, he cannot pay the additional patent fee, and he has no chance to pay about 12,000 US dollars for a new registration. Therefore, if the introduction of the patent system led to the rise of immigrants from the shadows at the beginning, then the subsequent tightening of immigration legislation and the increase in immigration costs have led to fewer and fewer opportunities for immigrants to obtain legal status, despite their desire.

Labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan. Photo from

Ilhom From Tashkent:

“Although I make a lot of money, the patent costs add $6,000 a year, which is a big number for me. Even without the patent, my expenses are high. Together with my mother and sister, we pay 33,000 for housing, which is 11,000 each plus utilities. In addition, I have to pay tuition twice a year – another 100,000. We are not particularly frugal on food, and each person spends up to 10,000 a month. In addition to these expenses, you also need to consider the cost of transportation, clothes, and buying various gifts. I also spend 5,000 to 7,000 a month on English. Lately we haven’t been sending much back home; at most 200-300 dollars. Previously, my mother and I managed to save money, but in the past six months our expenses have increased significantly. Starting in the new year, they will increase even more due to the patent. In general, for me, the promotion means that I will not be able to pay for English courses this month.”

“For a migrant, 500 rubles is equivalent to a month’s mobile phone bill,” said the human rights activist Karimjon Yorov. — These are the metro trips for a week. After all, these are two lunches. For a family with children, this is an opportunity to pay for writing materials or school lunches. In short, 500 rubles is a lot.

Yorov believes that the increase in patent costs will lead to a desire for savings, meaning it will actually reduce revenue for the city budget.

— Immigrants prefer to work without patents and cross the border every three months. Today Roads to and from the border All costs (entry and exit) are 8 thousand rubles. Now the patent fee for three months is $13,500. That is, a saving of five thousand. $22,000 per year plus $12,000 for the initial registration. A total of 34,000 rubles – this is a round-trip ticket to Uzbekistan. It turns out that it is more profitable for immigrants to hide in the shadows. The authorities themselves are pushing immigrants into the shadows. Especially now that the laws on immigrant registration have become stricter. Applying for a patent or not, not living in the place of registration, will lead to expulsion. Therefore, an immigrant can only be a resident if he Liquidated Migrant registration norms,” Karimjon Yorov concluded.

Ekaterina Ivansenko

International news agency “Fergana”


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