Labor and Social Security Minister Vedat Işıkhan said that the municipalities’ SSI debt of 96 billion liras increased to 120 billion liras within two months after the election, adding: “No one should feel sorry, as SSI we will try to recover our debts through legal means as soon as possible, we cannot risk the future of our children and retirees,” he said.
Isihan was speaking at a meeting of the Izmir Provincial Advisory Council held at a hotel.
“Let me issue a final warning”
Minister Işıkhan shared the following information with SSI regarding the municipalities’ premium debt:
“Within two months after the election, the municipalities’ SSI debt of 96 billion liras increased to 120 billion liras. Almost all of these municipalities are CHP municipalities. Do you know what happened to the SSI debt in the Izmir metropolitan area? The number of CHP sites increased 885 times in 5 years.
Now they say, “We took over the debtor city from the AKP.” I want to ask you. So, did they take over this debt that increased 885 times from the AK Party? Has Izmir switched from the AKP to the CHP? Moreover, in the last few months, its debt has increased from 5.3 billion liras to 7.8 billion liras, making it the city with the most debt to the SSI. If you want to know what a CHP city looks like, look at Izmir. Izmir’s CHP districts are also following the path of the metropolis. Their debt is increasing rapidly. Let me give them a final warning from here. “Municipalities need to get out of this debt spiral.”
Minister Icihan said that the situation in Istanbul and Ankara metropolitan areas is the same as that in Izmir, and said, “Most CHP cities are in this situation. The debt, which increased from 96 billion liras to 120 billion liras in two months, will increase to the point where we will lose 200 billion or 300 billion liras if no intervention is made. “With all due respect, as SGK, we will try our best to recover the debt as quickly as possible through legal means. As SGK, we cannot risk the future of our children and retirees. We must ensure the actuarial balance and sustainability of the system,” he said.
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