Broadcast United

DPP re-election an ‘insult to Bermudians’

Broadcast United News Desk
DPP re-election an ‘insult to Bermudians’


January 6, 2015

Shadow Attorney General Michael Scott said today (January 6): “Simply extending Mr Field’s work permit while qualified Bermudians are left out in the cold is an insult to Bermudians and once again proves that our country is heading in the wrong direction.”

Governor’s Announced yesterday Rory Field has been reappointed as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for an extended period until 31 December 2016. Mr Field officially took over as Bermuda’s Attorney General in September 2007 and has held the position for over seven years.

Cabinet Office Comments

Following the news of Mr Field’s reappointment, a Cabinet Office spokesman said: “The Prime Minister is naturally disappointed that a suitably qualified Bermudian was not appointed.

“Having expressed the desire to appoint a Bermuda DPP in 2007, 2010 and 2013, it is very unfortunate that the process adopted by the Governor’s Office appears to have been unable to turn those desires into reality.”

The spokesman added: “The Cabinet Office notes that the Prime Minister has previously raised concerns about this matter.”

“The Cabinet Office confirmed that the Prime Minister had ‘strongly expressed’ his concerns to the Governor General and further stated that he would again raise the matter with the UK Under-Secretary of State for Bermuda and the Overseas Territories in London, James Duddridge MP.

“The Premier is expected to re-emphasize the Government’s position that appropriately qualified Bermudians will be given due consideration and, where appropriate, appointments to these important constitutional positions.”

Comments from Shadow Attorney General Michael Scott

Mr Scott said: “Rory Field’s reappointment is not only a slap in the face to those qualified, capable Bermudians who have been overlooked, but a slap in the face to all those who believe that Bermudians should be given priority for jobs and opportunities in our country.

“Simply extending Mr Field’s work permit while qualified Bermudians are left out in the cold is an insult to Bermudians and once again proves that our country is heading in the wrong direction.

“The PLP’s position is clear. There has been a lack of openness, accountability and transparency in the process and the Governor must explain why qualified Bermudians have not been given the opportunity to hold this position. In addition, the following questions must be asked:

  • 1) Governor Previous Statement Cindy Clark’s proposed appointment as Deputy Attorney General was “untenable,” but Ms. Clark continues to serve as Deputy Director and performs her work with the highest professionalism. If Ms. Clark is capable of the responsibility of being Deputy Director, why was she denied the opportunity to serve in this capacity?
  • 2) Will the reputation of the Justice and Legal Services Advisory Committee in its advisory role be damaged by the Governor’s decision?

“The Governor has repeatedly demonstrated that he is no friend of Bermudians or Bermuda. The Prime Minister’s plan to appeal to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is fruitless because the Governor follows instructions from the Foreign Office. The Prime Minister knows this is nothing more than a meaningless public relations gesture.

“Just weeks after Mr Field approved the murder charges against Prince Ednis, the governor reappointed him thrown away Mr Scott concluded: “Within 48 hours he was out of office, which shows that it was long overdue for him to step down and return home to make way for a Bermudian who is perfectly capable of becoming DPP.”

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