Broadcast United

Djoué-Léfini departmental nomenclature: bottom of the map

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Djoué-Léfini departmental nomenclature: bottom of the map


RRepublic of the Congo, area: 342,000 square kilometers.

In this context, the administrative territory of Congo-Brazzaville has changed or will change its relevant name, Changewith racial dynamics. Congo-Ubangi For the Likuba people, Jouet-Lefini For eastern Congo, Nkeni-Alima For Téké-Embosi.

These are not fanciful expressions, as they were during the Civil War; test Configure Congo, Nibolake For Benbe, Norwegian Mbochi people, Playful Doll Tekaihe Katanga The Bomitaba people. This geographical baptism was of strategic significance and seemed to be related to the famous The future of the Mbochi family Substructure of the program Muebala .

We are indeed in an ideological nebula” Marian Congolese » The proposal, the style, reinforces the factors that caused so much damage,« We bombed the pool and the sky didn’t fall. »

this time: ” Whatever happens, we will rewrite the boundaries. »

Pre-shooting reaction

One clever, one half clever. Who knows if this was an unconscious reaction by the Mbozi tribal class in anticipation of the federalist strategy envisioned by activists to divide Congo into one northern republic and another southern republic, in the supposed regional nomenclature. See also Modeste Boukadia, Poaty Pangou…

« When we divide, let’s start by cutting » says Zéphirin Mboulou, a northerner born in Mpouya, on the fuzzy edge of the plateau pools. Unwilling,dichotomy Nkeni-Alima Hides additional ambiguity about membership Tekai or Embossed Sassou, the head of Oyo.

For the participants in the federal project, unlike the South, the North has done a better job of redistributing the country’s wealth since the marriage decided at the Berlin Conference (November 15, 1884-February 26, 1885), when fundamentally different peoples in society have been ordered to cohabit. In fact, the South’s raison d’être has been shrinking since Marien Ngouabi came to power in a coup in 1969.


We don’t blame Sasso for splitting the pool. The question is: why only Pool?

certainly, A makeover Geography is not only specific to the Bueta-Mbongo and Masoachi areas. There is something for everyone in this delicatessen, especially Mossaka, which is located in an entity called “Mossaka”. Congo-Ubangi * For unknown reasons, Téké has joined a group called Nkéni-Alima, who have been entrenched in Les Plateaux for years. Note in passing that Public Enemy No. 1 Ntoumi will no longer be able to exercise leadership in the pool, as he is now suppressed. Automaticallygeographically located in Joue-le-Figny.

It’s hard to lie who is from the North. Mbochi lawmakers rename the Champlain West Congo-Ubangi and by removing a Nkeni-AlimaBut these newly selected works are still in the field of influence of the Mbozi or Téké Alima language and the clientele is still the Mbozi tribe. Faithful to Death See Jérôme Ollandet’s historical essay on this subject. “Téké-Embosi Contact Details”Analyzing cultural confrontation.

The infamous Even Techies Want Power Mbochi Jacques Okoko’s work emerges from this casual complexity, while Sassou’s artistry has an ambiguity and Lissouba’s has an indisputable authenticity. So, with no offense to Mr. Okoko, the Tekes do rule this country and will continue to rule.


How to reverse the Congo-Mbozi balance of power? This is the question the Mbozi strategists of the operation are trying to answer Muebala (named after Sassou’s mother). The new nomenclature appears to be part of this titular Oedipal operation, one of whose architects, General Norbert Dabira, thoughOlomanyamaand some feathers were left behind.

Well done to them

Reconstruction of pools by amputation/exclusion, Jouet-Lefiniwhich is caused by Muebala.

Crime is not so much about disrupting formations as it is about reinforcing beliefs, especially beliefs about the future of Mbochi, the heart of the country. Muebala.

In 1958, when Youlou gained a majority in parliament, Jacques Opangault began to worry about the future of L’region.Ecuador The notion that power could be achieved through direct or indirect democratic elections was utopian and troubled Northern strategists: The future of the Mbochi peopleIn addition, another actor in the play MuebalaAmbroise Numazalaye will devote all his energy to the primary struggle between the North and the South to make the Northern minority a majority. ” How can a son of the North, with a small population, become president? » Numa Zaraye thought for a long time. The solution is a coup d’état, the only grammar that the Great North has internalized.

Citizens Cuvette Because “I am more concerned about the future of the Mbozi people” Insatiable bulimia » They alienated themselves from the rest of the country.

« Flood after Sasso » worry, whether wrongly (or rightly), the locals of Arima.

The future of Congo

The future of Congo is like that of the French prime minister under Malong: nowhere.

Each has its own symbolic strategy for capturing the Congo’s future: Congo in federalism, Mbozi in national imperialism or a genuine sham of national unity.

Southerners say: I’m there, follow me “. The northerners said: I was there, and I’m staying there. It would be too bad if you were left behind. »

Lambert Ekiranganzo, Saint-Étienne, September 1, 2024

* In 1959, after the betrayal of Yambo’s deputy, Jacques Opangault, tired of the war, conceived the idea of ​​creating a northern state, Congo-Ubangi, annexed to the Central African Republic.


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