Broadcast United

BPSU expresses concerns over DPP appointment

Broadcast United News Desk
BPSU expresses concerns over DPP appointment


January 7, 2015

The Bermuda Public Service Union (BPSU) is pleased to announce the reappointment of Rory Field As Attorney General, he said perhaps it was time for the OBA and PLP to “work together to make the necessary constitutional amendments to end this injustice”.


Governor’s Announced earlier this week Mr Field has been reappointed as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for an extended term until the end of 2016. Mr Field officially took up the position in 2007 and has held the position for more than seven years.

In response, a Cabinet Office spokesman said: “Having expressed the desire to appoint a Bermuda DPP in 2007, 2010 and 2013, it is very unfortunate that the process adopted by the Governor-General’s Office appears to have been unable to turn those wishes into reality.”

The Cabinet Office confirmed that the prime minister had “strongly expressed” his concerns to the governor-general and would raise the matter again with the UK minister responsible for the overseas territories.

Shadow Attorney General Michael Scott called it an “insult to Bermudians” explain“Rory Field’s reappointment is not only a slap in the face to those qualified, capable Bermudians who have been overlooked, but a slap in the face to all those who believe that Bermudians should be given priority for jobs and opportunities in our country.

Mr Scott added: “The Labour Party’s position is clear. There has been a lack of openness, accountability and transparency in the process and the Governor must explain why qualified Bermudians have been denied the opportunity to hold this position.”

BPSU Comments

The Bermuda Students’ Union said: “The Governor has repeatedly stated that he would find and/or establish a process to develop a qualified Bermudian for the position, but now he has reneged on his promise, which certainly calls into question whether the Governor has any intention of appointing a Bermudian to the position.

“This decision should also be of concern to the Bermuda legal community. Regardless of how many years a lawyer has been in the profession, whether they have sustained legal training and won cases, unless a candidate can arbitrarily win the favour of the sitting Governor, he or she will not be appointed DPP. The message being sent by the Governor is that Bermudians are ‘simply not good enough’.

“The stark reality of not promoting a Bermudian lawyer to serve as the new DPP, while unacceptable, raises the question of whether the Foreign and Commonwealth Office fully appreciated the sensitivity of the failure of qualified Bermudians to hold key positions in Bermuda’s civil service when appointing the Governor.

“To say we are somewhat disappointed with this re-election is a gross understatement, especially considering that every Governor-General since 2007 has expressed a desire to find a qualified Bermudian to serve as DPP.

“Perhaps it is time for the One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) Government and the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) to work together to make the necessary constitutional amendments to end this injustice.”

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