ABBA from Sweden Donald Trump A spokesperson for the band told CNN that they asked him to stop using their music and videos at his campaign rallies. Reuters.
Sprint Group, including Winner Takes All, Money, Money, Money exist Dancing Queen The videos were played alongside Trump’s rally in Minnesota on July 27, Svenska Dagblad writes Svenska Dagbladwho reported the incident.
Netherlands-based Universal Music said: “ABBA and I have learned that ABBA’s music videos and songs have been played at Trump rallies and we request that their playback be stopped immediately as the Trump campaign has not yet obtained permission to play them.”
“Members of the group do not want to comment on this information,” their representative told Reuters, adding that they supported Universal Pictures.
Some musicians or their representatives have complained that the former US president used their music at rallies without their consent, including female singers Adele, Rihanna, Beyoncérock band R.E.M. Bruce Springsteenhas passed away Sinead O’Connor exist Celine Dion.
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