Today’s Scripture
Hopes that are unfulfilled are heartbreaking, but dreams fulfilled are the tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12
Tree of Life
My friend, one definition of hope is “the joyful anticipation of good things.” If you expect good things, if you expect your dreams to come true, it will bring you joy and excitement. When you believe God is planning blessings for you, you will be excited about life. It will affect your attitude, relationships, and productivity. But if you don’t expect any good things, if you think you are stuck, your problems are permanent, and you have reached your limit, then this mentality will drain your energy, stifle your creativity, and rob you of your joy. You will just get through each day enduring life.
God created you to have something to look forward to. Faith is believing that God has great plans for you, that He will take you to places you’ve never been, and that your best days for health, finances, and relationships are still ahead of you. It’s more than just being positive; it’s being in agreement with God. It’s what allows Him to do amazing things and make your dreams come true like the tree of life.
Prayer for Today
“Thank you, Heavenly Father, for raising hope in my heart to trust that you have good things in store for me. Thank you for keeping my hope firmly in you, trusting that you will never fail and that you will make my dreams come true. I look forward to seeing you do wonderful things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Joel Osteen Ministry
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