Video files from fatal incidents Traffic Accidents What happened on Poseidon Avenue With the victim A 27-year-old woman exposed MEGA.
The fatal crash occurred on Wednesday morning when the 27-year-old driver lost control of his car in an attempt to save a few seconds.
The video shows that the girl was walking along Amphitheas Avenue in the direction of Paraliaki and wanted to turn towards Glyfada.
According to sources, the car accelerated and the girl tried to overtake the traffic light, but things turned tragic.
He speeds up to catch a red light. She drives by with an orange light on and two cars pass in front of her. The unknown driver, because she hits the gas to catch up when she sees orange instead of a cut line, because it will be lit red as she passes.
The silver car, travelling along Amphisias, picked up speed but, instead of turning left towards Glyfada, continued to drive madly, almost in a straight line, on the pavement and tram lines, eventually crashing into an iron green pole, causing a car accident in which the girl died.
He never brakes, either on the asphalt or on the dirt. He never brakes, either on the asphalt or on the dirt.
Although the car appeared to have sustained damage only to the left front, the severity of the collision was decisive.
Despite the best efforts of EKAV rescuers and their transfer from the beach to CAT Hospital in Kifissia, she died a few hours later.
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