Broadcast United

The reason for so much insecurity | Letter to the Director | Viewpoint

Broadcast United News Desk
The reason for so much insecurity | Letter to the Director | Viewpoint


If we reflect and think critically, without passion or fanaticism, and analyze why our country is currently in a situation of high insecurity and chronic corruption, I believe it will not be difficult to find some culprits. . Moreover, I believe that the entire terrible situation that we Ecuadorians are experiencing right now is nothing more than the result of a series of corrupt and inefficient governments. Why can we come to such a conclusion? Well, let’s analyze it a little.

Eternal violence

The biggest problem in Ecuador right now is insecurity; this in turn exacerbates other problems that already exist, such as corruption, unemployment, bad economic conditions, etc. I say that it exacerbates the situation because the insecurity situation has caused many business establishments to close before normal times, and even some to close due to problems with extortion (“vaccines”), or simply not dare to do anything. Due to the same high level of insecurity. All this has led to a decrease in economic activity at the national level, with corresponding consequences: increased unemployment, decreased sales, decreased purchases, etc. As for corruption, its behavior is very widespread; for a small sample, you only need to look at how those who are arrested go in and out of prison, whether for corruption or drug crimes. These criminals have all the money to buy a large part of justice. But why did our country come to this disastrous point? Well, I think it is obvious that the fault lies with the different governments that did not want or did not know how to fight crime and corruption, or also because they could have agreed to crime and allowed it to operate freely and unchecked until it reached the current level. The sad thing is that until about 20 years ago, we could still be said to be an “island of peace” in the middle of a country with serious insecurity problems.

The Abandonment of Udessa

For all of the above, citizens should punish by voting all these political organizations that have been in power but have not done anything effective to control and eliminate the cancer that Ecuadorian society is suffering from: corruption, which over the years has given us another child called extreme insecurity, which makes us live in a society full of fear, where being able to return home alive every day is a success. Yes, we have reached this painful point. I wonder: don’t those (politicians) who participated in this whole process of depravity and destruction feel remorse in their conscience or just feel ashamed for being part of the destruction that the country is going through? (profound)

Pedro Javier Triviño Rodríguez, biologist, Barcelona, ​​Spain

Open question: What suggestions do you have for the government to avoid another power outage due to low water levels? (Any one)


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