“Another piece of news about Greek economic indicators compared to the rest of the EU confirms that the Greek government Mitsotakis It is the brake of the country”, stressing Syrizaciting recent Eurostat assessments of the consumption and production sectors, which, as he noted, “show that the government’s celebration of so-called integration with the EU” is far from reality.
At the same time, Kumundulu added, “these results raise very serious questions about the NDP government’s management of the recovery fund”.
More specifically, Eurostat recently published the results of an assessment of member states’ targets for responsible consumption and production, SYRIZA reported.
As he noted, “this is the 12th of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the European Commission in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda”, stressing that, according to Eurostat’s announcement, Greece “is not meeting key EU sustainable development targets”.
Greece lags behind EU sustainable development goals
In particular, in the fight against poverty:
• 26.3% are at risk of poverty/exclusion (EU: 21.65%)
• 10.6% are in working poverty (EU: 8.2%)
• 26.7% spend more than 40% of their income on housing (EU: 8.7%)
• Longer healthy life expectancy (65.9 years vs 64 in the EU)
• 6.4% cannot afford medical care (EU: 2%)
• 23.6% missed necessary checkups/treatments (49% for poor families)
• 32.3% lost dental services (69.5% among poor households)
At Work/Development:
• Per capita income: €18,690 (EU: €29,030)
• Long-term unemployment rate: 7.7% (EU: 2.4%)
• Workers aged 20-64: 66.3% (EU: 74.6%)
• Young people not in education/working: 15.3% (EU: 11.7%)
In the inequality:
Disposable income is 33% below the EU average. (Second worst performance after Bulgaria)
“That’s why the government’s celebration of the recovery fund is getting attention”
“The connection between the Recovery Fund and the SDGs is not only about financing, but also about aligning the recovery and development strategic plans with the global SDGs,” SYRIZA stressed.
He explained how such coordination can ensure that recovery efforts contribute positively to long-term global sustainable development, stressing that “the recovery must be green, inclusive and resilient”.
“All of the above suggests that the government’s celebration of the recovery fund was just a show. It turns out that their only purpose is to distribute the funds to friends and “mothers” without caring about the future of citizens and the country. Is this another wasted opportunity?” he concluded.
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