Broadcast United

Kidnapped children from Ulvira found here – parents captured

Broadcast United News Desk
Kidnapped children from Ulvira found here – parents captured


We contacted parents and their children in Norway who were suspected of child abduction.

The couple suspected of child trafficking had an address at a mailbox company. The parents withheld their contact information from child protection authorities. Sambo Lepisto

The Satakunta District Court today arrested a 38-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman on suspicion of child abduction and severe deprivation of liberty. According to information from Iltalehti, the couple kidnapped their child.

Police now say the family travelled to Norway where they were found with the help of international police cooperation. The children have now been returned to Finland while the parents are incarcerated.

– The suspects were transferred from Norway to Finland yesterday and police have been able to question them, the head of the investigation, Crime Commissioner Anna Kivimaki The police announcement said.

Previously, the suspect had been arrested in absentia.

Parents pick up their children at the soccer field in Ulvera on July 1. Previously claimed to belong to Iltalehtithey believe they have not committed a crime.

– They were picked up from a public place. I didn’t even think it was child abduction. There was no coercion. “We were just on vacation with the children,” the father told Iltalehte.

The children have been placed outside for about a year. There have been numerous child protection reports made against the family and the parents have effectively refused any cooperation with the authorities.

In addition, the police have also investigated a large number of cases of sexual crimes by suspected parents. Currently, the case is under trial.


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