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Isle of Man Government – Artist presents Dunlop Brothers paintings to the people of the Isle of Man

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Isle of Man Government – Artist presents Dunlop Brothers paintings to the people of the Isle of Man


Black and white painting of the Dunlop Brothers by Simon MoyeAn artist from Northern Ireland has gifted paintings of two of his homeland’s most famous TT stars, Joey and Robert Dunlop, to the people of the Isle of Man.

Simon Moyer sent his painting to the First Minister this week, along with a handwritten letter expressing his gratitude for the “warm hospitality and kindness” he and his wife Lucy received when they first visited the island this summer.

The 42-year-old County Antrim resident said the artworks were “his small gift to show his gratitude”.

He added:

“This was our first time on the island and we were so well looked after everywhere. I grew up a few miles from the Dunlop family and often played with Michael and William as a child. The paintings seemed a fitting way to say thank you.”

Simon’s paintings will be on display at the Mike Hailwood Foundation Centre behind the Douglas TT stand, in line with his wish for the people of the Isle of Man to be able to enjoy them.

MHK Chief Minister Alfred Cannan said:

“I would like to express my sincere and grateful thanks for these fine portraits and hope that Simon and his wife can return to view them soon.”

Simon, who also works at a hospital in Collerien, added:

“We had a blast on our first trip, we will definitely be back and we are already making plans for a fall trip.”

“Motorcycle racing brings a really strong connection between Ballymoney and the island and I can’t wait to explore the island further.”

The Dunlop brothers have won more than 30 Isle of Man TT races between them, with brother Joey’s record of 26 wins eventually broken by Robert’s son Michael at the 2024 race, which attracted thousands of fans.


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