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What is the current population of Guayaquil and Quito? How will the population change between now and 2034? | Report | News

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What is the current population of Guayaquil and Quito? How will the population change between now and 2034? | Report | News


The last census, carried out by the National Statistics and Census Institute (INEC) between 2022 and 2023, determined the number of inhabitants in the country, as well as demographic changes, access to basic services and quality of life in provinces, states, cities and rural parishes.

The results confirm that the most populous urban agglomerations in the country are Guayaquil and Quito, in that order.

INEC estimates show that The total population of Guayaquil State increased from 2,417,957 in 2010 to 2,957,527 in 2024an increase of 22.3% in these fourteen years.

One of them Quito Metropolitan Area (DMQ)on the contrary, From 2,292,804 in 2010 to 2,838,174 in 2024According to official data agencies, the growth was 23.8%.

With the completion of the Quito Metro, the population is expected to concentrate more in the supercenter of the national capital. Photo: Carlos Granja Medranda

These indicate that the total population of Guayaquil in 2024 will be 2,957,527. Ten years later, in 2034, it will reach 3,196,585, an increase of 8.1%.

To determine the total population of the Guayaquil urban agglomeration, it is necessary to add the populations of the urban parishes of La Aurora (Daule) and La Puntilla (Samborondón) and the total population of Durán.

Durán The estimate for 2024 is 327,452; 55,357 live in La Puntilla and 115,060 in La Aurora. Then, The total population of the Guayaquil metropolitan area will reach 3,455,396 in 2024.

It is estimated that the population of DMQ will reach 2,838,174 in 2024 and this number will increase to 3,002,540 by 2034, an increase of 5.8%.

At the same time determine Total population of Quito metropolitan area We must add the populations of the states of Rumiñahui (113,409), Mejía (107,385), Cayambe (112,454) and Pedro Moncayo (43,238), making By 2024, the number will reach 3,214,660.

Demographic evolution of the Guayaquil metropolitan area

Place 2010 2024 % Increase
Aurora (Dowler) 25.815 115.060* 345,7%
La Puntia (Samborondón) 29.173 55.357* 89.8%
Duran 235.459 327.452 39,1%
Guayaquil 2′417.957 2′957.527 22.3%
All 2′708.404 3′455.396 27.6%

* Corresponds to the population as determined by the 2022 Census, as INEC has not yet calculated population projections at the parish level.

Source: National Statistics and Census Bureau.

Evolution of the population of the Quito metropolitan area

Place 2010 2024 % Increase
Mejia 82.185 107.385 30,7%
Pedro Moncayo 33.210 43.238 30,2%
Ruminavi 87.960 113.409 28,9%
Let’s get started 89.248 112.454 26%
DMQ 2′292.804 2′838.174 23.8%
All 2′585.407 3′214.660 24,3%

Source: National Statistics and Census Bureau.

The Guayaquil metropolitan area is estimated to have the highest population growth, at 27.6 percent between 2010 and 2024. Quito’s growth rate is 24.3 percent.

Census results show that La Aurora is the town with the largest population growth, with a 345.7% increase between 2010 and 2022. There are no population projections through 2024 for this urban parish in the state of Daulé, across the river from downtown Guayaquil.

The same situation was seen in La Puntia Parish in Samborondong State, where the population grew by 89.8% between 2010 and 2022.

The third fastest growing city in the Guayaquil and Quito metropolitan areas is Duran, with a growth of 39.1% from 2010 to 2024, according to INEC estimates and forecasts.

At this rate of growth, the Guayaquil metropolitan area is expected to continue to be the most populous region in the country over the next decade. (I)

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