(Yoon Jung-hoon, Daily News) The budget of the Ministry of Unification is expected to decrease slightly in 2025. It will be cut for three consecutive years starting from 2023. Based on the “August 15 Unificationism” and “Speech to Commemorate the First North Korean Defectors’ Day” announced by President Yoon Seok-yeol, key projects for implementing follow-up tasks were evaluated as substantially reflecting the budget.
The total budget of the Ministry of Unification for 2024 reviewed by the Cabinet on the 27th is 1,055.4 billion won, including the general account (229.3 billion won) and the South-North Cooperation Fund (826.1 billion won), a decrease of 3.7% from the previous year.
The Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund, which accounts for the majority of the Ministry of Unification’s budget, was 823.3 billion won, down 48.8 billion won (5.6%) from the previous year. Due to the suspension of inter-Korean exchanges, most of the budget related to economic exchanges and the Kaesong Industrial Complex was cut.
The Ministry of Unification explained, “The execution rate of the inter-Korean cooperation fund was low due to inter-Korean relations, and it was established in consideration of this,” adding, “Humanitarian aid was increased by approximately 16.5 billion won in accordance with the August 15 Unification Principles.”
Most of the budgets for the South-North Cooperation Fund projects were cut, excluding the additional 15.923 billion won in disaster relief support and 571 million won in livelihood cooperation support. The budget also reflects President Yoon’s announcement on August 15 that he would promote humanitarian assistance as one of the seven major unification promotion plans in his unificationist declaration.
Specifically: △ 5.5 billion won in support for social and cultural exchanges △ 4.4 billion won in support for separated family exchanges △ 24.5 billion won in economic cooperation bases (free of charge) △ 14.6 billion won in economic cooperation bases (loans) △ 5 billion won for establishment of family exchange bases, infrastructure in Kaesong Industrial Park △ 3.8 billion won in loans for the operation of Kaesong Industrial Park △ DMZ peaceful use funds were cut by 3.2 billion won.
The total accounting budget is 229.3 billion won, an increase of 7.3 billion won (3.3%) from the previous year. The basic resettlement fund for North Korean defectors has been greatly increased, and the budget for educational support for North Korean defectors and activities to improve human rights in North Korea has been increased.
Initial resettlement support for North Korean defectors has been significantly increased from 10 million won this year to 15 million won starting next year. However, as the number of applicants has dropped from 500 this year to 380 next year, the relevant budget has increased by about 700 million won. In addition, the budget for medical support for vulnerable groups, prisoner investigations, and support for stabilizing North Korean defectors in crisis situations has also increased slightly.
In addition, in order to win the support of the international community for unification, the budget of the Global Korean Forum (GKF), which was established by President Yoon’s order, was increased by 800 million won. The Ministry of Unification plans to rename the existing Korean Forum (KGF) to GKF.
Domestically, in order to celebrate the 80th anniversary of liberation next year, the budget for promoting unified culture, experiencing global unity, and supporting unified education in primary and secondary schools has increased. In terms of unified education in schools, the budget for unified education in universities (unified leading universities) has increased.
A person from the Ministry of Unification said, “The 2025 budget plan focuses on strengthening the comprehensive protection and support system for North Korean defectors, working to improve human rights in North Korea, and laying the foundation for free democratic reunification.”
The size and content of the Ministry of Unification’s budget for next year may change during future congressional deliberations.
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