Broadcast United

Slavica Rokvić Found Love

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Slavica Rokvić Found Love


Slavica Rockovich Found love

widow of legendary folk singer Malenko Lokowicz He coped with the irreparable loss with dignity and tried to show his sons Nikolai and Mako, as well as his grandchildren, by personal example how to respect and cherish life and people. Despite the void that still exists in the wake of his beloved husband, Slavica Rockovich She found enough love in her heart to brighten her days and those of her family, and to cheer up the admirers who followed her blog and eagerly waited for her to write something new.

Slavica Rokvić found love, now she helps other women

——Whoever looks outward is in a dream; whoever looks inward is awake. Because something that does not exist cannot come out of a person. So men, wake up. – her Instagram profile reads. Slavica Rokvić Found Love I wrote it down because he gives advice to many ladies every day on how to stay healthy, how to deal with menopause, how to be ready for someone New Dishesdecorate your home or encourage yourself to discover the artist in you…

Slavica uploaded delicious meals she prepared and photos she took herself, photos taken in the gym while she trained, photos of her family … In addition to an old photo of her and Marinko smiling and happy, she wrote:Forgetting is difficult, impossible, because you keep flowing through my veins“.

Slavica Rokvić svet novine svet portalSlavica Rokvić svet novine svet portal


despite this, Slavica Rockovich She strives to live a quality and fulfilling life, and her sons Nikolai and Marco support her in this. Slavica Rockovich Find your passion in traveling, exercise regularly, back books She writes a blog and recently a new career is smiling at her.

Read Smells like chocolate in the morning – Slavica Rokvić shared the recipe for Marinko’s favorite cake

That is, Malenko’s wife was hired to advertise some medicines used to treat hormonal imbalances because she had a large following, mostly women, who recognized her sincerity and good intentions.

Slavica Rokvić loves writing and has slowly built a career as a blogger

It is because of all the ladies who followed her that Slavica, if you remember, wrote an open letter to Santa Claus, not in the name of her grandson, but in her own name, in which, among other things, she wrote:

Slavica Rokvić svet novine svet portalSlavica Rokvić svet novine svet portal


– Bring gifts for adults too, because we may need them more at this time, and our children will be happier. Awaken that cocooned child inside each of us and release all those wonderful feelings of love, joy, compassion, regardless of religion, race, orientation. Let’s fall in love with diversity with respect. You are a wise person and I know you will help me. Thank you in advance for believing with me that we can be human.

author: world

photo: Instagram


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