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Moja BiH – Unforgettable funeral for the unforgettable Nijaz Halilović: “Cruel, unreal and incomprehensible”

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Moja BiH – Unforgettable funeral for the unforgettable Nijaz Halilović: “Cruel, unreal and incomprehensible”


Unknown: Tribute to a great man, a good man, professor and director Nijaz Halilović, about whom everyone spoke only in superlatives. Beloved professor, head of TO municipality, director, senior activist of the Social Democratic Party and most importantly a great man: the entire Una Sana region, the highest deputies of the cantons, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended his funeral.

Nijaz Halilovic was born on January 23, 1961 in Donji Kamengrad. He completed his primary and secondary school education in Sanski Most. He studied at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and was awarded the title of Professor of Defense and Protection. Since 1996, he has been a professor of democracy and human rights at the Gymnasium, Mixed High School and Agricultural High School in Sanski Most. He also worked as a librarian at the gymnasium and from April 2019 to September 2023 was the principal of the Mixed High School. From April 2024, he was the director of the gymnasium until the fateful day of August 21, 2024, when he was suddenly and brutally murdered in his capacity as director in the gymnasium.

Nijaz Halilovic had a meaningful and rich life. Before the invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, he was also the head of the territorial defense department of the municipality of Sanski Most, for which he was arrested and taken to the notorious Manjača camp, where there were about 1,000 Sanjans, that is, more than 5,000 Bosnians from the municipality of Bosnian Krajina Croats – he survived Manjača, where he would be violently killed on August 21, 2024. Sanski Most, Manjača 32 years later – cruel, unreal and incomprehensible.

Professor Nijaz Halilovic, during the memorial service for the victims of Sanski Most High School, held on August 23, 2024. According to Gordana Mizan and secretary Nisveta Kyunic, many times more people come to the “Sana” cinema, wanting to see off those who were killed by violence. As many as eight prominent people spoke: Deputy Chairman of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina Vojin Mijatović, Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Duška Jurišić, Mayor of Bosnia and Herzegovina Faris Hasanbegovic, Minister of Education, Science and Sports of Sanski Most City Denis Osmankić, Minister of Education, Science and Sports of Sanski Most County Vlade USK, Cantonal deputy of Sanski Most and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party Almin Hopovac, Chairman of the Trade Unions and Education of Sanski Most Canton Samir Rajić, Chairman of the Trade Unions and Education of Sanski Most County Samir Rajić, 4th grade of Gymnasium of Sanski Most County student Iman Omić, Fikret Tufek, journalist.

Nijaz Halilovic’s funeral took place on August 24, 2024. It was vividly told that the professor was a great man, a good person. Everyone loved and respected him, students admired him, parents appreciated him. Such a funeral in the Sana’a Valley, in a heat of more than 38 degrees Celsius, attended by about 3,000 people, people do not remember that nothing could stop so many people from seeing off the great man Nijaz Halilovic from the Halilovic family. Surviving parents: Irfan (88) and Fata (86) and brother Hashim, sisters Emir, Samir and Bais; wife of Amir-Sek born Drobić, daughters Medina Nezirević, MSc and Minka Kazić, MSc, sons-in-law Adnan and Emir, and grandchildren Darija (3) and Sanija (1), for whom Nijaz lived and adored …

The murder of a professor at his workplace is a precedent, and the three days of mourning by USK and the city of Sanski Most (August 23-25, 2024) and the one day of mourning by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (August 26, 2024) are simply unforgettable. The loss of all gymnasium workers is irreparable. The departure of Nijaz Halilovic is painful.


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