Broadcast United

‘Makanaki’ murdered outside a motorcycle workshop in Porto Bolivar | Security | News

Broadcast United News Desk
‘Makanaki’ murdered outside a motorcycle workshop in Porto Bolivar | Security | News


Washington Andrés Agurto Mite, 33 years old, nicknamed “Makanaki”, was murdered on Thursday night, August 29, in Puerto Bolivar, Machala.

Aguto was known in the Buenos Aires diocese for owning two fishing boats, an activity he stopped after learning that they wanted to murder him.

They found more than a ton of drugs at a banana crate contamination center in Machala

The explosion on a boat in the coastal area of ​​El Oro province killed 15 people and preventive measures were taken after watching some videos on social networks.

The attack took place around 6:45 p.m. Thursday, shortly after the Marines’ operation ended, two blocks from the crime scene.

A man was executed in Machala and cremated inside the fence

The killing broke eight days of peace without violent deaths in the capital, El Oro, said Jacobo Pinchao, the mayor of Machala district.

The victim had a history of injury, robbery, and extortion.

The officer explained that “Makanaki” was attacked by two men on a motorcycle who shot him down.

Two other people were injured during the attack and were taken to a local hospital.


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