Broadcast United

Let Hichilema shut down his Cosway, Zambian regulators and sanity will return online

Broadcast United News Desk
Let Hichilema shut down his Cosway, Zambian regulators and sanity will return online


Hakainde Hichilema’s State House media team, which runs two rogue media outlets – Zambia Watchdog and Koswe, poses the biggest threat to the unity, peace and security of this country.

So how hypocritical is it that the UPND government threatens citizens with arrest if they expose their crimes and other scandals? Even more shocking is that they use the irresponsible and rogue State House media team to threaten and intimidate citizens while they themselves commit and carry out these crimes every day. What kind of leaders are they? Why are they so ruthless? What kind of entitlement and self-obsession is this?

Mr. Hichilema and his coalition think they can continue to break cyber laws with impunity, using rogue media networks like the Zambia Ombudsman and Coswe to abuse, defame and insult ordinary citizens and leaders of the country while the entire country lives in fear and intimidation of them. They want to feed the public endless amounts of hatred, lies, malice and misinformation, and when citizens respond to their failures with the truth, they are guilty and must be punished. They have really overestimated their influence and ability to restrict free speech in this country. But it will not work. In fact, it will backfire very badly!

Whether or not they have evil plans around online laws, security and regulations, their failures will continue to be exposed. They are a careless, scandal-ridden regime. They should not deceive the world into thinking they are advocates of responsible use of social media, because they are not. In fact, they are the most intolerant, undemocratic and divisive rulers in this country. When they cannot think straight, they resort to threats, violence and abuse of laws and law enforcement agencies to silence critics.

The incendiary guerrilla media outlets, Zambia Ombudsman and Koswe, run by Hichilema’s media team from the presidency, openly and without restraint on a daily basis, incite hatred, malice and violence against Hichilema’s critics. These two unhinged rogue media outlets are dividing, inciting and destroying the country in irreversible ways, and the government should wake up today and ask people to use social media calmly and responsibly.

But as we have been saying, in the near future, the true face of these rogue media houses run by the State House will be revealed along with their masters to pay for their crimes. There are already some loyal citizens who are consciously ready to testify against them who used to work with the State House media team to run these rogue media houses. Every person who was used to spread hatred, abuse, malicious lies and insults against private citizens and Mr Hichilema’s political opponents is identifiable and no matter how hard they try to deceive themselves that their identities are hidden from the world, they are wasting their time.
We repeat what we said a few days ago on this issue, that their zeal to bring in laws to punish critics and opponents for crimes they themselves commit every day is their business at present, but it is only a matter of time before this impunity and lawlessness perpetrated by the State House is finally nipped in the bud.

Let Hichilema and his overzealous colleagues preach responsible use of social media to Coswe and the Zambian watchdog because they work for them.

Fred Mmembe
Chairman of the Socialist Party


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