Broadcast United

Jamaica stands up, calls for rehabilitation to be prioritized in new prison talks | News

Broadcast United News Desk
Jamaica stands up, calls for rehabilitation to be prioritized in new prison talks | News


Human rights group Stand Up For Jamaica (SUFJ) has called on the government to make rehabilitation a priority when building new prisons.

Carla Gullotta, executive director of SUFJ, said in a news release that while the country does need a new prison, a greater focus must be placed on rehabilitation to ensure all necessary systems and resources are in place to promote the rehabilitation of all inmates.

“Otherwise, you won’t achieve your goal,” she said.

Gulotta expressed concern about conditions at two major prisons, Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre and St. Catherine’s Adult Correctional Centre, which are also over capacity.

“Rehabilitation is a key solution to returning better people to society, but the continued deterioration of infrastructure and lack of space in prison facilities is detrimental to this effort,” Gulotta said.

“Two lie on sponges and two lie on hammocks… They are locked in from 3pm to 9.30am. There are no facilities like bathrooms, toilets, etc., so the prisoners have to keep their own bucket in the cell and relieve themselves in front of everyone. It is really a health hazard and humiliating,” she said.

She urged the government and the public not to let the issue sit and called on the government to reconsider its policy of not employing prisoners with criminal records.

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