Whether it’s in the morning, after lunch, or even in the evening, more than one person has felt the urge to have a meal. Frozen.
This dessert, Characterized by diversity in taste, appearance and preparationis one of the most consumed products in the world, partly because its price is generally within the reach of some people.
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Faced with the existence of ice cream, many people think that because it is a kind of breath made at low temperatures and is an industrial process highly related to technology, In fact, not only can this be made by hand at home, but its existence dates back to very ancient times..

Its Relationship to Ancient China and Alexander the Great
According to the History Channel, The origin of ice cream can be traced back to ancient China more than 4,000 years ago.It is believed that only the Chinese emperor could enjoy this dessert made from a mixture of snow, fruit and honey.
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With the opening Silk Roadwhich for the first time united the then empire of what is now Asia’s giant with the West, This preparation technique was known to the Persians and later to Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Immortal).
“History” guarantees the king The ancient Greek Macedonian kingdom, Egyptian pharaohs, and great kings of Media and Persia all loved this preparation.his favorite flavors are honey and nectar.

Danbo82 / Tripadvisor
It is considered as a time when humans were able to develop their talents in different disciplines, e.g. Astrology, science, literature, art, medicineWait, it is at this point that his preparations are perfected.
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According to the same media report, Italians created the first modern ice cream based on milk and sugarIn fact, it was Catherine de Medici, a Florentine noblewoman and queen of France from 1547 to 1559, who brought the recipe from her homeland to her kingdom.

Arrival in the New World
It is in 18th century When the ice cream finally arrived USAat first, only the colonists could taste it. However, while the nations of the New World successfully broke free from their respective kings, Its consumption has become more democratic.
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In fact, it is said that George Washington, the first president of the United States, led the movement to free the country from the British Empirespent a lot of money on ice cream.
Today, ice cream is one of the most popular and consumed desserts in the world due to its diversity of flavors, preparation methods and prices, while also achieving a very valuable achievement: keeping its essence intact despite the different preparation methods.
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