Screenwriter: Lyubodrag Stojadinovich
The local police have captured (arrested?) a Croatian spy. This is the first feat in many years, provided, of course, that the spy poaching is caught and the news of the arrest is true. One can immediately suspect the result of the efficiency of the Serbian agents’ counterintelligence. These spies do not look like themselves for decades. It can be said that they do not exist in their original form. Intelligence activities are actually legal, and it comes down to creative analytical work, because the secrets are long gone, or to years of cultivation. mole Trustworthy.
Are Croatian whistleblowers still trying to act like spies in classic movies, thereby posing as old-school informants and attracting the attention of those who pose the greatest threat to the country: Varin and Dacic, for example?
According to his personal public confession, Vulin compiled a list of foreigners who were harmful to Serbia, admitting that he paid less attention to this xenophobic work than he should have. The authorities have so far caught Severina at the border crossing and determined that she was a threat to the country. The inspectors abused the innocent singer for a few hours. Only two days later, the chief prosecutor ordered Severina to be “removed from the list”, even though he did not love her, because he had Baha Mari Kninza in his heart.
So it turns out that Severina was not a spy caught by Volin, Orlic and Dacic, but that there were no spies in general. There is no logic in the statement, just as there is no sense of victory after the feat. Where was the spy caught, whether he was filming, taking notes or just walking on a forbidden road. How long did they follow him, was he dangerous and carrying a weapon, did he intend to carry out acts of sabotage and sabotage, how was he arrested, did he resist. Who were his followers, how did he get the information: by electronic, manual or smoke signals (if he organized a base in the forest). Did he have no assassination intentions at all and was stopped at the last moment by the vigilance of the authorities?
Could it be that a Croatian spy was a Serb, a respected member of the SNS, a fan of Pantocrator, a lecturer at the Academy of Young Leaders, who sent superfluous information to the Croats from some unit, while openly slandering them and calling them Ustasha? It is logical, the Croatians would not be so ignorant as to appoint a Croatian as a Croatian spy.
It was revealed that in these data, the spies called the leadership of the Party and the country by the most derogatory names and revealed their shameful weaknesses that had only been discovered until then: greed, partiality, self-love, evil, meanness and cruelty, thereby causing great damage to Serbia and its President.
What is worse is that the captured spy (or several of them) revealed all these secrets to opposition and tycoon journalists and newspapers, which made it impossible for the respected Ana Brnabić to do her job and encouraged her to create video channels targeting enemy journalists introduced to the country by the tycoons.
Croatian progressive spies, along with tycoon squads and journalists, aim to assassinate the president and seize power in order to rob Serbia again. The spies report lies about Serbia, claiming that the election here was stolen and that violent actions are being prepared against those who oppose lithium mining.
Even before Anna’s video about the preparations for the assassination was released, the spies informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the public evaluations of their future victim by the tycoon journalists and their guests: he was insane, poisonous, reckless, rude, and on October 5 of that year, things might have been different if only some people had not appeared at dawn on the 6th. Marko Vidojkovic said something like “bite him”. And the camera! It was great to see and hear it in Anna’s video, she wanted to highlight this sinister pornographic assassination. If the invitation to snooping is not an incitement to assassination, then nothing is. Some say, the spies say, that Anna also shows that if there is no other way, overthrowing the government by violence is a legitimate way. Some people hang the most important photo on the death certificate (God forbid), creating an atmosphere of memorial and funeral. In her role, Anna proudly puts her boss on those dark Atiya, where he is undeniably happy and smiling.
Incited by Croatian spies and other Ustasha elements who joined the patriotic ranks, someone on his network announced an idyll with Maribahá, who published his simple opinion on the relationship: “Little Knindza and Big Minza have.” It has not yet been put into the rich version of her video, but he is already working on innovation, and this is where Knindza and the big thing will find their place. Such a rhyme is an insidious, street, lascivious threat of assassination, an insult to chauvinistic pop stars who love both Boss and love, and at the same time an unpleasant mockery of Vuk’s famous work “Red Ban”.
The spies reported, but they didn’t have to, Anna edited it all and exposed it to her public: what went on inside the sect and how to defend the Boss by showing his dirty laundry in public.
All parties are making lists, and the author of this article has received market information from people whose lists have several levels and indicate what will happen to each in unforeseen but possible circumstances.
The Croats should be deceived by telling them the truth which they do not believe. No one here tells the truth, and the spies do not know what it is and cannot reach it. That is why they can say whatever they want to anyone and everything will be correct.
All the confusion around contradictory intelligence information that cannot be verified constitutes state policy. That is why our Croatian spy was inserted into our ranks as a Serb who could do the most harm to the Croats. Severina was actually a Serbian spy working for Croatia. Baja Mali Knindža was Topalka’s partner and they had a dangerous plan of joint assassination at a concert where Serbian honorary miners were to attend.
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