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Plant found in amber turns out to be dinosaur tail

Broadcast United News Desk


Researchers from China I accidentally found a piece of amber with a dinosaur tail in the market. Write IFL Science.

Plant found in amber turns out to be dinosaur tail

In 2015, paleontologist Linda Sin found an unusual piece of amber at a market in the United States. MyanmarThe amber containing a chunk of an ancient plant was polished and prepared to be sold as a home ornament. However, Sin suspected that the souvenir might be hiding something more and suggested that the Paleontological Institute Dex buy it.

After a battery of tests, it turned out that the amber contained no vegetation but the feathered tail of a juvenile coelurosaur, a branch that includes all the theropod dinosaurs that are closely related to birds.

“Inside was the tail of a young individual, consisting of eight vertebrae; they were surrounded by feathers preserved in 3D and microscopic detail. Moreover, the vertebrae were not fused into a rod or pygostyle as in modern birds and their relatives. Instead, the tail was long and flexible, with feathers on both sides. In other words, we could be sure that these were dinosaur feathers, not bird feathers,” said study co-author Ryan McKellar.

For the first time, dinosaur remains have been found in amber. It is assumed that this young Coelurosaurus fell into the resin while still alive and could never escape. That is why its tail is so well preserved.

Earlier, a female student found footprints on a beach in Wales, UK, which are believed to belong to a dinosaur that lived more than 200 million years ago. Experts believe that the footprints found by the mother and daughter were left by the herbivorous dinosaur Camelotia.


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