Chilpancingo, Guerro. (apro).- Three members of the Racer crew participating in the Acapulcaz Rally were swept away by a river in the town of Apancingo in the central region of Guerrero state.
This is the marriage of Alberto Isaac Garcia Nava, 45, and Angélica Consuelo Chimal Flores, 31, and young Miguel Garduño, both from Toluca, State of Mexico.
Three participants are missing. Authorities are continuing their search with support from police dogs and helicopters.
So far, only the overturned vehicle on the river bank has been found.
The Acapulco Rally is an off-road race using racing cars that starts on Wednesday the 28th from Toluca, the capital of the Mexican state, and ends at the port of Acapulco.
300 contestants from different entities across the country participated.
The rally is organized by the Mexican Racing Association and the TAE Club.
On their way through the northern region towards the state of Guerrero, their first stop was Taxco, then Iguala, where there was an exhibition and they stayed overnight after 16 hours on the road.
On Thursday, they continued their journey, passing through the city of Tepecoacuilco, heading towards Mártir de Cuilapan.
Participants had to cross a river in the town of Apango in the Central Region to continue on their way.
At this moment, the seven crew members on the car were washed away by the rising river water.
On Friday, the Guerrero State Secretariat of Integrated Risk Management and Civil Protection reported that after 9 p.m. Thursday, emergency calls to 911 were received, so the operators were transferred to a location an hour away. Half of them were from Chilpancingo.
He said in a statement that the three were swept away by rising waters while trying to cross the river in a light vehicle in Apango.
The search has been expanded to the community of San Juan Totelzintla, located between the borders of Mártir de Culapas and Tepecoacuilco, where a canyon flows into the Balsas River.
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