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The benefits of studying economics – Channel 24

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The benefits of studying economics – Channel 24


Benefits of studying economics

Economics was originally studied because humans have needs and desires. Human needs and desires are unlimited, while the resources to satisfy these needs and desires are limited. Economics studies human behavior in satisfying their needs and desires using limited resources.

So what are the benefits of studying human behavior (also commonly referred to here as consumers)? From the results of studying consumer behavior, we can predict or predict what consumers will do or take in the future. The results of these predictions or estimates can be used as the basis for formulating business plans, determining prices, marketing policies, human resource policies, and even formulating policies to improve community welfare.


Here are some of the main benefits of studying economics :

Understanding Decision Making

Economics is the study of the choices that individuals, companies, and governments make when managing limited resources. Studying economics helps us understand how people make decisions when faced with a variety of choices and constraints. By understanding economic theory, we can predict economic behavior and make better decisions in our daily lives, whether managing personal finances, running a business, or formulating public policy.

For example, the concept of opportunity cost is a fundamental concept in economics that helps us understand that every choice we make has inherent consequences and costs. For example, when a person chooses to pursue a higher level of education, they may have to sacrifice the income they would receive from their job. By understanding this concept, we can make more informed decisions by considering all the costs and benefits of each available option.

Improve analytical skills

Economics involves a lot of data analysis, statistics, and mathematical models. Studying economics helps us develop analytical skills that are useful in all aspects of life. The ability to analyze data, identify trends, and make predictions based on empirical evidence are highly valued skills in the workforce, especially in business, finance, and consulting.

In addition, the ability to think critically and evaluate arguments based on evidence is also an important skill taught in economics. This helps us to be more objective and rational in assessing situations, while also being more alert to biases and unfounded assumptions.

Understand market mechanisms

A major aspect of economics is understanding how markets work. Markets are where supply and demand meet to determine the price and quantity of a good or service traded. By understanding the mechanics of markets, we can understand how prices are determined, why prices rise or fall, and how government policies, such as taxes and subsidies, affect markets.


For example, the theory of supply and demand helps us understand everyday economic phenomena such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. When the demand for a certain good increases while the supply remains the same, the price of that good tends to rise. Conversely, if the supply increases while the demand remains the same, the price will fall. This understanding allows us to better respond to economic changes and make more informed decisions.


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