Broadcast United

swaziland times

Broadcast United News Desk
swaziland times


PIGG’S PEAK – Three Build it employees have been arrested on suspicion of defrauding the retail chain of around €2 million.The three were arrested in separate incidents on Tuesday. Witnesses said the arresting officers faced no resistance when questioning the three employees about the alleged crimes. They were detained at Pigg’s Peak Police Station and subsequently charged with the offences.Sources revealed that the three female employees are suspected of using the hardware and building materials store’s system to steal various funds, with the total amount estimated to be close to 2 million euros.


The women allegedly carried out the thefts for a long time without being discovered, but their thefts were reportedly uncovered last year when management launched an investigation.The stock loss was immediately reported to the police commercial fraud unit. The irregularities were only discovered around November last year when accounting staff at the store’s head office noticed the irregularities.As detectives investigated, it became apparent that the employees continued what they called a systematic pattern of theft. The reason for this success was that the management always viewed these three people as their confidants, and every time they inquired about the shortage, they were unable to get a satisfactory answer.
The police investigation eventually found that these employees defrauded the retail chain of different amounts of money.

One of the employees was investigated for allegedly embezzling more than €1 million, while another of her colleagues was suspected of misappropriating around €400,000. Another colleague was eventually charged with stealing around €350,000.Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Senior Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed the arrest when contacted earlier.The three employees have been charged and appeared before the Magistrates’ Court for the first time yesterday, facing multiple charges of theft.

This is not an isolated incident, as different business organizations have previously reported losses suffered by their employees. Stealing from an employer is considered a serious crime and is not usually recognized by the courts.Crime can increase the cost of doing business. Research has also found that crime has a significant negative impact on foreign direct investment inflows. Investors tend to avoid destinations where they could suffer losses from employee theft or violent criminal activity. This was further confirmed by an economist interviewed by this publication yesterday.


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