Broadcast United


Broadcast United News Desk


Door Francis Renform

It is very sad to see the extinction of honey bees worldwide. In the summertime, honey bees always swarmed in large numbers to anything that smelled sweet. This is much less common now and will have major consequences for humanity if it is not stopped on a large scale worldwide.

In Suriname, political leaders try to woo citizens by coating their lips and mouths with syrup.

This goal has been achieved every time after every election campaign for nearly half a century, and unfortunately, in 2024 we all know the disastrous consequences: the state managers and their families and friends bathe in luxury, but really have to worry about the details of the often very miserable conditions of the citizens, which is an excessive request.

Citizens vote them into these important positions every five years after being deceived once again by misleading rhetoric.

I conducted many interviews with political leaders and politicians through different reputable media outlets, but every time I was surprised that journalists could not be bothered to ask in-depth questions to get to the heart of the most important issue: pulling Suriname out of its downward spiral.

Just when you think the interviewer is being cornered, he can easily be sidetracked as his guest’s vague and evasive responses reveal his ambitions for a seat in the next national government.

To me, it seems like a deliberate attempt to not give journalists the courage to ask questions such as:

1. What exactly does your innovation look like?
2. Can you tell society now what you will change so that citizens will have confidence in the upcoming government?
3. What plans do you have for your party that you want to achieve?
4. What platform will you use to inspire the fighting spirit of Surinamese people?
5. Can you give an example of how you would disrupt the existing political system?
6. What is your party’s view on poverty?
We can go on like this for a while.

But I also think that the constant evasive answers given by these politically ambitious guests are deliberate.

If after a few attempts such an evasive answer is given, then this will be a signal to me that I am not being taken seriously as an interviewer and therefore it is time to end the conversation. Governing is not a game and neither is interviewing!

Several leaders said they had the courage to stand up against all administrative errors. But how many said that for nearly half a century, society had to listen to the words of so-called leaders, I mean empty words and hollow promises?

It seems to me that the citizens of Suriname can be compared to the bees which are becoming extinct worldwide. Is this the motto of the government?

If we remember correctly, 4 babies died recently because the hospital was lacking staff and equipment due to so-called lack of money? Mom’s heart is bleeding!

I have previously published an article titled “Shoemaker, stick to your end!” Is the meaning of this proverb conveyed to the president, vice president, ministers, directors and DNA?

Is their intention really to lead Suriname and its people to the bottom of the abyss? There is no light in the tunnel!
That’s enough, right?

My call to all journalists is to continue to ask the important questions in a pragmatic way. If you feel the answers you receive demonstrate evasive behavior, don’t laugh.

Leaders have shown they have courage, so it is up to the media to show it through pointed, probing questions. The fact that I, as a humble citizen, have to ask this question is bad enough.

All of you have chosen a career in journalism and have been thoroughly trained to get to the heart of things by presenting deliberately superficial answers. The latter is what all right-thinking Surinamese who have actually reached voting age eagerly await in order to be able to decide in a thoughtful and accurate manner who they will vote for.

I urge all political leaders and politicians to provide honest and sincere responses to questions posed by journalists.

Gaining the trust of society can only be achieved by wiping all the syrup off your lips, then first rinse your mouth thoroughly with water so that it is also free of syrup, and then take it seriously, people of Suriname, and during all this, the next interview, discuss the specific government activities you plan to carry out for the development and growth of Suriname and all its inhabitants.


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