Mr. Hani Abdullah Radwan
Mr. Yusuf Abdullah Radwan
Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Radwan
Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Radwan
Mrs. Maryam Abdullah Radwan
And younger brother:
Mrs. Mona Buckle Radwan
Mrs. Salva Bakr Radwan
Mr. Samir Bakr Radwan
Mr. Sami Becker Radwan
He passed away, his merciful soul died on Thursday, the 25th of Safar, which corresponds to the 29th of August, and people will pray for him in the Prophet’s Mosque, if Allah wills. On Saturday, the 27th of Safar, which corresponds to the 31st of August, after the Maghrib prayers and the funeral in Baqi’ al-Gharqad.
If God wills, the first day of mourning for women and men in the house of the deceased man will be on Monday, the twenty-ninth day of Safar, which corresponds to the second day of September, in the city of Al-Roda in Jeddah.
Funeral Location:
We pray that the Almighty God will have mercy on the deceased, place him in a spacious garden, strengthen the hearts of his wife and children, and be patient with his family and loved ones during their loss, He is the Almighty Listener and Responder.
We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return
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