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Lavrov warns Kurds in eastern Syria of similar fate to Afghans who trusted Washington

Broadcast United News Desk
Lavrov warns Kurds in eastern Syria of similar fate to Afghans who trusted Washington


Dam Press:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Kurds in northeastern Syria that their fate would be similar to that of Afghans who trusted Washington.
“Washington’s presence directly affects the situation in the region and is the main reason for the current situation east of the Euphrates, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and in the southeast,” Lavrov said in an interview with RT. The Americans created a zone with a diameter of 55 kilometers around the town of Al Tanf and declared their presence as observers and as a preventive measure against the spread of ISIS influence, but the Americans certainly did not achieve any results. “They are actively creating a quasi-state entity that, unlike the rest of the Syrian territories, is under the control of the legitimate authorities and is subject to strict sanctions, including the laws known as “Caesar”. In the areas protected by the Americans, these sanctions are not applied, but the richest oil and gas fields and the most fertile agricultural lands are poured into these areas, which are greatly developed for their oil, gas and petroleum resources. The Americans and their followers export grain, and the revenues do not go to the Syrian treasury, but are used to encourage corporate divisions and the creation of quasi-state entities, which is unfortunate because the Americans are dragging their feet in this process. The Kurds are involved in their games, trying to bet on them, and there are clashes between Kurdish organizations and Arab tribes that have lived on these lands for hundreds of years, and the Americans now want to seize part of these lands to create their quasi-state entity. The Kurds must realize that their future will always be within the framework of Syrian unity and not dependent on American salvation. Instead, they must negotiate with the Syrian government, and they must agree on their rights. They deserve as a minority.”
Noting that there had been previous talks with the Kurds but that they had been blocked by the Americans, Lavrov said: “There was a dialogue and we contributed to it, but the Americans convinced the Kurds that an escalation of the confrontation with the government was the best option to cooperate with them.”

Lavrov recalled the fate of Afghan leaders who trusted the Americans and were let down, and warned the Kurds of the same: “We are in touch with the Kurds and everyone, and we remind them of the fate of the Afghan leaders who also decided to rely on American promises, not on their people or on national dialogue, and ended up leaving them alone on the path of national dialogue and agreeing on their living conditions within a unified Syrian state with Damascus.”


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