Broadcast United

Kata-Bink has ambitions to become a member of parliament again

Broadcast United News Desk
Kata-Bink has ambitions to become a member of parliament again


Former PL’er Ingrid Karta-Bink Been working for the NDP since last weekendexpressed his ambition to become a member of the National Assembly of Suriname again (DNA). However, it is not yet certain whether she will be included in the Purple Party’s candidate list in the elections on May 25, 2025.

“I love DNA and I want to be a spokesperson for all Surinamese people. I know that my contribution to DNA can be a good contribution to a better Suriname,” Kata-Bink said on the ABC Actueel program.

The politician, who has served as an MP and regional commissioner in the past, said it was ultimately the structure of the NDP that would determine whether she would appear on the DNA candidate list. Between 2015 and 2020, Kattar-Bink was part of the Pertjajah Luhur (PL) faction, during which time she made some critical comments about the NDP, which held government power at the time.

For example, at the 2019 People’s Liberation Party event in Lelydorp, she called on all Surinamese women to collectively reject the policies of the New Democracy Party on May 25, 2020. Five years later, she now says that what the people of Suriname are going through now is worse than what happened back then.

“We are human and in life we ​​make mistakes. But you have to learn from the mistakes you make because that’s how you mature. What I said at the time didn’t actually apply. Now I experience up close what it meant, but Surinamese people interpret it differently. But I offered constructive criticism. It doesn’t mean I’m cutting you off. I want to point out to you to do things differently,” said the politician, who also said he discussed these issues with the New Democracy leadership as well.


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