I understand Gorizia Thanks for the TV broadcast Giro d’Italia 2021. The 15th stage ended in this city, winning Victor CampenaertsI did not see it in its entirety, so the next day I read the chronicle in the newspaper with great interest. nation The beginning of the editor’s note caught my attention. Carlos Arribas:
“…’Ah, Gorizia, you are cursed’, anarchists and anti-militarists have been singing this song since the First World War, a battle that took place in the northeastern region of the peninsula between Italy and Austria-Hungary, where a hundred thousand soldiers died in vain, half of each army and their piled bones are a monument, when hail falls from the black sky and torrents hit and bathe the platoons and fugitives, turning the streets into skating rinks, ‘Damn Gorizia’ all cyclists can sing ‘To the city’s martyrs’.”
I leave you here a video of “O Gorizia, tu seimaledetta!”, undoubtedly a beautiful song:
Someone told me yesterday that he found it very interesting that by 2025 there will be two European Capitals of Culture from two different countries, but in fact they are the same city. Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). Curious about geopolitics, not stupid.
In the last video I read a comment: “I am from GoriziaOne thing that makes me very sad (almost angry) is to see how much this city has been historically neglected by all Italians (first of all the Goriziani). Tens of thousands of Italians, Slovenes and Austrians have died from the coronavirus Nice, Austria (The name was not given by accident, you have to go and see its beauty in person). To die and see it reduced to a joke of a city whose inhabitants care little about its history and future. Let us hope that by 2025 this will have changed and thanks to the designation as European Capital of Culture someone will remember these poor people who died in vain. ”
Last night, curiosity drove me to search the Internet for a movie about GoriziaI didn’t find anything that interested me…, not about Cursed Goriziabut for some reason I stumbled across a news article about a 2019 movie that I had read about but had no interest in at the time, Mr Jonescan be used for Volatilitywhere I can see.
Today’s most read columns
This is an interesting story about Investigative journalist Gareth Joneswho discovered the atrocities Stalin exist Ukraine and elsewhere in the region Soviet Union.
Jones announced in England The Great Famine — Ukrainian for “dying of hunger” —: “I walked through the villages and twelve collective farms. Everywhere people were shouting: “There is no bread.” We are dying…”
The problem is that in the early 1930s, Stalin still enjoyed prestige, so – and I quote Wikipedia—Gareth Jones’ report “was not well received by much of the media because the intellectuals at the time were still sympathetic to the Soviet regime.”
He did the worst thing The New York Times: Published a text by an award-winning journalist, Walter Durantyin which the facts narrated by Jones were denied.
Gareth Jones is powerless against the authority of the government The New York Times and lost credibility. George Orwell Denying the reality of the Ukrainian famine.
The truth was defeated by Stalin’s propaganda machine, which was supported by a deceived media (such as the New York newspapers mentioned earlier) and pragmatic governments with an interest in the Soviet Union (such as Britain and the United States).
After watching the movie, I searched online for more information and found Articles by Philip ColleyGareth Jones’s great-nephew, who corrected some inaccuracies in the script. I immediately quote the most relevant part of Colley’s text:
√ Movies “Based on his (Jones’) 1933 world exclusive, which exposed famine in much of the Soviet Union, especially Kazakhstan and Ukraine; a famine that Moscow had tried desperately to cover up.”
√ “His exclusive news troubled both governments Instead of being praised for her honest reporting, she was vilified by the Moscow foreign press corps and blacklisted by both the Soviet Union and the USSR. Establish British”.
√ Best research It was made by Philip Colley’s mother. Margaret Sirio ColliJones’s niece. She published the book More than just the truth.
√ Jones He is the private secretary to the British Prime Minister. David Lloyd George.
√ An important fact In his biography of Adolf Hitler, Cambridge graduate Gareth Jones writes about his meeting with Adolf Hitler. His first major first was actually becoming the first foreign correspondent to travel with him. Adolf Hitler On a flight to Frankfurt in 1933”.
√ “Sit Just a few meters away from the Führer, he began his article with a prophetic phrase: “If this plane crashes, the entire history of Europe will change.” He is also on the plane Joseph Goebbels.
√ Third trip Traveling to the USSR, Jones discovered and denounced the famine in the Soviet Union: “starving children, some with bloated stomachs, adults crying for bread,” and learned from peasant testimonies that “the situation in southern Ukraine is even more disastrous.”
√ Reporter Gareth Jones “He kept careful notes, recording everything he saw and every conversation he had. His articles were based on his diary, which, because of the success of the Soviet cover-up, is considered the only reliable eyewitness account of the famine that killed millions.
√ Jones, 2008 He was declared a “Hero of Ukraine” and awarded the Order of Merit of Ukraine.
√ For family As the journalist’s great-nephew puts it, Gareth Jones didn’t like the final outcome of the film. But that doesn’t really matter. The film correctly conveys two truths: one, there was famine in the Soviet Union; the second, that propaganda could kill the truth in the short term. As a Ukrainian-California screenwriter suggests, it doesn’t matter whether Jones meets or not. George Orwell and be inspired Farm Animals.
It is important to remember two facts in this story: (i) propaganda can always suppress the truth at first, but in the long run the truth will triumph; and (ii) although it is not mentioned in the film, it is not actually Orwell’s own account that is irrefutable, but this is not important: “Journalism is publishing what others don’t want you to publish. Everything else is public relations.”.
I am a supporter of 4T and an admirer of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the President-elect Claudia SheinbaumI think they are doing great things for Mexico and the best is yet to come, but…
If I blame Lopez Obrador for anything, it has to do with journalism. It is not his habit of trying to contradict journalists – that is his right and must be respected – but his daily strategy of denying reality. I understand that he does this to maintain his prestige among the people, because without prestige no one can rule such a complex country. But there are some facts that are suppressed today by the words of Andrés Manuel that will be indisputable in the future, even if not so distant.
I thought of this when I was watching the news video Ciro Gomez Leyva exist Formula Radio ——The video was originally broadcast on TV Image–.minister Margarita Rios Fajat He was walking to the SCJN because he couldn’t reach the parking lot: he was stopped due to a protest by a disgruntled judge. Judicial reform. One of Ciro’s collaborators interviewed her. Finally, Ciro told the reporter:
√ Regarding reform, Margarita said that “things that work should not be messed up.”
√ She disagreed with the selection of the judge.
√ Journalist’s opinion: Although López Obrador nominated Rios Farjat to lead the judiciary, Rios Farjat did not always agree with Obrador in the Supreme Court; therefore, she is a minister who deserves respect.
√ Ciro’s opinion: “Maybe in a year she will no longer be a minister, she will have to step down. If she wants to continue to be a minister, she will have to be a very good candidate. If she is not a good candidate, even if she was a very, very good minister, she is no longer a good minister, why? Because that is the sign of reform.”
Ríos Farjat’s case is that of a minister, and it is extraordinary. Juan Luis Gonzalez Alcantara Caranca and Minister, vertical paradigm, Loretta Ortiz Alfwhich López Obrador also proposed to him. There are also cases of at least two other ministers, Alberto Perez Dayan and Javier Lainez Potiseknominated by the two chairmen Neoliberalism, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nietorespectively.
this Wheel of History It will decide whether AMLO was right. In my opinion, in almost everything, history will prove the historic Tabasco politician right. As far as the Supreme Court is concerned, I bet not. It is Claudia’s responsibility to ensure that the reforms are implemented as smoothly as possible amid the great upheaval that the initiative has caused.
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