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Fire of the afterlife (various torments in hell)

Broadcast United News Desk
Fire of the afterlife (various torments in hell)


Fire of the Afterlife (Differences Hell Suffering)

(Dr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed Hoqair)

February 26, 1446
August 30, 2024 AD

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Praise be to God, the Almighty, the Mighty, the Mighty, the Almighty. He is mighty, powerful and vengeful, and we greatly praise Him, and we are grateful to Him, and I bear witness that there is no god other than God, and no partner. He made this world a place of work and trial, and He made the Hereafter a place of reward and decision, and He made His servants fear the torment of Fire, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. A prophet chosen from the descendants of Adnan, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, companions and followers.

As follows: Fear Almighty God and obey Him, taking the heat of the earth as an example, the heat of great situations and great disasters when the sun is close to the heads of living beings. And receive warnings from the radiance of the sun against the heat of the hell fire, which is a destroyer (expanded) [الهمزة: 5-9].

O people: There is a lot about Hellfire in the Holy Quran, may Allah Almighty protect us, our parents and Muslims from Hellfire. He mentions it repeatedly in the Quran to remind the readers of the Quran about it. Seek refuge from the causes of its entry and take the way out of its torment. The types of torment mentioned in the Quran about Hell include: making people feel pain and preventing them from doing what it requires.

The torment of those in Hell varies greatly. They will be punished according to the deeds for which they entered Hell, such as disbelief and hypocrisy, turning away from the religion of Almighty God, and fighting against believers, and the more evil they do, the greater the torment. Their torment will be more severe, while others will be tormented less severely than them. As Allah Almighty said: “Those who were imposed with words on the nations of the jinn and men who passed away before them, they are indeed losers*, and there is a rank for whatever they did. They will be fully rewarded for what they did, and they will not be wronged. [الأحقاف: 18-19]“That is to say: for every man there is one in the Fire according to his rank,” said God Almighty, after enumerating the many kinds of torment to which they were subjected, “and compensation according to the proper degree.” [النبأ: 26]”That is: We give them a reward according to their deeds.” “Thus, the punishment for those who become severe in disbelief, those who spread corruption on earth and call for disbelief, is different from those who do not. “As Allah the Almighty says: “Those who disbelieve and turn away from the way of Allah – We have increased their punishment beyond the punishment for the corruption they used to create.” [النحل: 88]Ibn Masood (may God be pleased with him) said in his interpretation: “Increase scorpions, their fangs are like tall palm trees.” This is confirmed by Hakim and others.

When they were all in the fire, the followers called out to those who had led them astray: “Whenever a nation enters, it curses its sister, until when they have all turned to it, the last will say to the first among them, ‘Our Lord! These have led us astray, you will have a double punishment of the fire.’ He said, ‘There is a double punishment for everyone, but you do not know it.’ [الأعراف: 38]“That is: We’ve done this, and we’ve rewarded everybody based on it.”

The difference in their punishments is indicated in the hadith of Samurah ibn Jundub, may Allah be pleased with him: He heard the Prophet of Allah (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) say: “Indeed, there are some among them who are in the Fire. Muslim narrated: “Some of them will strangle him by the neck.” Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “The least tormented among the people of Hell is the one who wears sandals. His brain boils from the Fire and is in eternal torment, and among them are those who are in the Fire up to his ankles, who are in eternal torment, and among them are those who are in the Fire up to his knees, who are punished. Ahmad narrated that the one in Hell is punished for his rabbit, and the one in the Fire is punished for his chest.

If a pagan does good deeds in this world, such as maintaining family ties, honoring parents, supporting orphans, caring for widows and the poor, curing the sick and saving lives, etc., he will not receive these in the afterlife, nor will they be a reason to alleviate his suffering. Because his good deeds lack the condition for acceptance, which is faith. As Allah the Almighty said: “Indeed, as for those who do not believe and die in disbelief, even if he redeems the ground with gold, they will not accept them, and they will have a painful punishment. There will be no helpers. [آل عمران: 91]Allah the Almighty says: “Whoever does not have faith, his work becomes worthless and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.” [المائدة: 5]Allah the Almighty says: “Those who deny Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, their deeds are worthless, and will there be any retribution for them other than what they did in the past?” [الأعراف: 147]Allah the Almighty says: “It is not right for the polytheists to live in the mosques of Allah, bearing witness to their deeds in an unbelievable way, and there will be no freedom for them in the Fire.” [التوبة: 17]Allah Almighty says: “Those who disbelieve, their deeds are like ashes blown away by the winds of a storm, and they will not be able to recover from their sins. [إبراهيم: 18]Allah the Almighty says: “Those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a valley, which a thirsty man thinks is water, until he comes to it and discovers what it is, but finds God with him. His calculations, God is swift in reckoning.” [النور: 39]Allah the Almighty says: “We will call them to account for their deeds and make them like scattered dust.” [الفرقان: 23].

The evidence of the fact that a disbeliever receives worldly rewards for his good deeds, such as abundant food, the kindness of children, the kindness of a wife, good health, praise and compliments, etc., is the hadith of Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Indeed, Allah will not ill-afford him in this respect.” As for the disbeliever, he will receive the rewards of the good deeds he did for God in this world, even if he did not do any good deeds in the Hereafter, as narrated by Muslim. ” There is also the hadith of Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, who said: “I said: O Messenger of Allah, was it any good for Ibn Judain to uphold kinship and feed the poor in the pre-Islamic times? He said: It was no good for him, because he never said: “My Lord, forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment”.

As for the alleviation of the punishment of Abu Talib through the intercession of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace; this was directed to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Talib. As it is narrated in the hadith of Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, who said: “O Messenger of Allah, Abu Talib used to protect you and was angry with you, did you do any good to him?” He said: Yes, he is in the Valley of Fire, and if it were not for me, he would be in the lowest level of the flames narrated by the two chiefs. “And the general disbelievers still do not intercede for the alleviation of the torment. Make their actions invalid; in summary, in the words of God Almighty: “But the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them. ” [المدثر: 48]Nawawi, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him, said: “The scholars are unanimous that a pagan who dies in disbelief will not receive any reward in the Hereafter, nor will any pious act he performed in this life be rewarded by the Lord of the Worlds, the Almighty.”

We pray to the Almighty God to protect us, our parents, our offspring, our families, our relatives, our neighbors and our loved ones from hell and keep us safe from its roots and write for us eternity in heaven. Hearers and Responders.

I say this to ask God to forgive me and you…

Second Sermon
Praise be to Allah, a very good and blessed praise, as loved and satisfied by our Lord, I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah, no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, may the Messenger of Allah be blessed. Prayers and peace be upon him, his family, companions and all those who are guided by them until the Day of Judgment.

As for what follows: So fear God Almighty and obey Him, “and fear that one day you will return to God; then everyone will receive the full reward of his due, and they will not be wronged.” [البقرة: 281].

O Muslim: Just as the torments of the pagans in Hell are different, so if the disobedient monotheists – that is, those who commit major sins – enter Hell, they will be different in it. As for those who commit minor sins, if they do not commit major sins and do more good deeds, their minor sins will be forgiven. As Allah the Almighty says: “If you avoid committing the forbidden major sins, We will forgive your evil deeds and allow you to enter the sublime entrance.” [النساء: 31].

The disobedients in monotheism are divided into three categories: some whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds; some whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds; and some whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds. They will not go to hell, but will go to heaven by the mercy of Almighty God, and their good deeds are equal to their bad deeds, and they are the people of Allah, so they will be imprisoned in a hell that is a bridge between heaven and hell, and then they will go to heaven by the mercy of Almighty God. Some of them are saved from hell through the intercession of intercessors, while others go to hell to cleanse themselves from their sins. Those who disobey monotheism will be tormented in hell according to different categories. Some of them are released before they complete their torment, either by the mercy and pardon of Almighty God, glory be to Him, or by the intercession of intercessors, who accept their intercession on their behalf as His mercy, glory be to Him, and dignity for intercessors among messengers, angels, and righteous people. Some of them remain in Hell until the punishment is completed, then the mercy of God Almighty brings them out of Hell, including those who die in Hell, then they are brought out of Hell and God Almighty resurrects them to Paradise. As stated in the Hadith of Abu Saeed, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah pray and peace be upon him, said: “As for the inhabitants of Hell, they will neither die nor live, but will be natives, and the fire will burn them with their sins, killing them until they become coals, and intercession is allowed, and then they will be scattered on the rivers of Paradise. It is said: O people of Paradise, pour water on them, and they will grow plants with seeds in the hot torrents.”

When a believer remembers, he remembers, when he is exhorted, he is advised, warned and threatened by the verses that stop him from doing wrong and disobeying, especially if he is one of the thinkers and meditators, then he meditates on the heat of summer and its blazing sun and the heat of the fire of Hell, and meditates on the verses in the Qur’an that describe the fire. In order to escape from the fire. Who has the strength to endure the torment of Hell, we seek refuge in God Almighty? !

Pray and greet your Prophet…

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