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Dart plans ‘wellness hub’ at Camana Bay: Cayman News Service

Broadcast United News Desk
Dart plans ‘wellness hub’ at Camana Bay: Cayman News Service


Dart Health and Wellness Center Locations

(CNS): Dart is seeking planning permission to build a new health and wellness centre next to the new Health City Cayman Islands hospital on the edge of Camana Bay, aiming to create a “hub of medical facilities at the southern end of the community,” according to a release from the developer. websiteThe project, which will cost almost $50 million and is due to be considered by the CPA today, is part of Dart’s wider Camana Bay project.

Wednesday CPA Agenda The announcement indicated that the proposal was to construct a five-storey building adjacent to the new Heath City campus, but only three floors were mentioned in the press release. The project includes an office building, restaurant, retail units, two generators and parking. Dart said the center would be located in an area designed to provide a convenient environment for health and wellness customers and improve access to healthcare services by bringing together a variety of specialists and practitioners under one roof.

As the company continues its relentless growth, it hinted in a press release that the project will support rather than compete with HCCI, despite HCCI holding a pre-opening July Celebrationswhich is not expected to open until later this year. Dart said it will continue to work with HCCI to provide project and construction management services for the new hospital.

Meanwhile, Dart vice president of leasing and business development Kristy Rivers said that many discussions had taken place with stakeholders in both the public and private sectors before launching the project.

“We paid close attention to the needs of the local healthcare community and carefully reshaped the landscape to expand services for the benefit of local residents and visitors,” she said.

“For us, this was the obvious next step in meeting the needs of a thriving community. Health and wellness has been a core feature of our development at Camana Bay for many years and now is the right time to help improve access to health services… conveniently located close to George Town and Seven Mile Beach,” she added.

Scheduled to open in 2026, the health and wellness centre will be built between the Airport Link Road and the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, within walking distance of Camana Bay town centre.

Details provided by the Department of Environment to the CPA at today’s hearing noted that the site is made up of mangroves, although development in the area has impacted on them over time. Although mangroves are a protected species, Dart will be free to remove all of these vital trees once planning permission is granted for the new health centre.

However, at a July 2022 Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Dart Business Development President Jackie Doak pledged that going forward, for every acre of land the company develops, it will protect an acre of natural habitat. She also said Dart would not start any new projects until the government completes its revised national development plan.

But with no signs of development plans, the developer appears ready to start pouring concrete again, although it has not said it will set aside a parcel of land equal to the area it proposes to develop for conservation purposes. What it will do, however, is lay concrete to provide parking for more than 393 cars.

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