Broadcast United

Culture…Diversity of sources and richness of resources – Arab Press

Broadcast United News Desk
Culture…Diversity of sources and richness of resources – Arab Press


Published: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – 6:45 PM | Last updated: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – 6:45 PM

The explanation is due to the diversity of historical and cultural anthropological data of societies around the world, due to the great diversity of peoples’ cultures that characterize their systems of life and express their different experiences, methods and paths of expression, action and action.

This means, first of all, that although different cultures belong to the same human culture, the most obvious characteristic of culture is the diversity and variety of its composition, validity and expression. Humanity, especially contemporary humanity, may be unified to some extent in its economic, commercial, exchange and legal systems, and sometimes seems to many to seek unity in its political system (or, to agree on political values), but this is never the case in cultural values, which is also a source of contrast between them.

Maybe the boundaries between world cultures are narrower than those between pop cultures, because their rationality is one thing, but their emotions, sensibilities, and identities are different, and this is the basis of pop culture.

The conclusion drawn from this is that the diversity of popular culture in the world stems from a variety of historical, social and anthropological sources, which we can attribute to three main sources that are more like general circles: societies with accumulated historical experience, religions or systems of beliefs and actions based on belief in a higher power or idea, or morality, for example, which is the sum of values ​​that guide individual and collective behavior, and these sources, even if they are different. The composition, density and influence from one society to another, from one nation to another, are common to all societies and nations, so no one is deprived of these characteristics.

There is no popular culture in any society or any people that does not draw or form its products from these three sources. The influence of this or that source in shaping the system of popular culture may vary in this or that society, one arrow may be higher than the other, but they all remain a fundamental entity, the stock of which represents the conditions for the emergence of any kind of popular culture and its raw materials.

We discover the impact and presence of this strategic reserve through various cultural expressions that show us it directly and show us how it appears in these expressions: sometimes in direct and easily perceptible forms so that they allow to contact the origin of the product, sometimes in forms that do not reveal themselves, except through an analytical process that reveals the influence of the origin on the product or the cultural heritage.

When we usually say that popular culture is a mirror through which we see the image of society, what this expression means is nothing more than the sum of the historical, cultural, social, religious, aesthetic and moral inventories… Society sees us in varying degrees from behind the scenes of popular culture, that is, through the sum of its influences and its products.

If it can be said that the above sources are common to human societies, despite differences in their place in the social system and in their impact on people’s daily lives, then the social relationship between them is this: in each society it is governed by the provisions of physical and human geography, that is, it is related to the provisions of residence and place of residence and the previous historical reserves that each residence possesses.

The face of mass cultural expression is thus multiplied by the diversity of the natural and human geography behind it and the human cultural reserve contained in it. Thus, in each society and culture, there is a distinction between mountain culture, plain culture, coastal culture, desert culture, culture between urban and desert cultures, and so on, each of which has unique characteristics that can be explained by the anthropological characteristics of the environment that is specific to each motherland, that is, it imposes rewards and values ​​that may not be common between different regions.

This is something that anyone can notice when he has before him the popular cultural products of different regions of these societies. The popular architecture of the countryside is a cultural shock that is different from the popular architectural style of the city and the mountains. Singing is different from desert singing, and the food and clothing of coastal people are also different from those of mountain and desert people. These are all cultural products of the same society and the same people. So, if we go from one society to several societies through a process of exploration and discrimination, when we observe their popular culture, we will find that there are infinite differences between them?

Fortunately for popular culture, it is not stereotyped or formulaic, and its many different creators do not follow a single creative and aesthetic model. This makes the diversity of its sources and resources a source of its wealth and an inexhaustible source of its development.

Abdul Ila Belkizi

Al Khaleej UAE Newspaper


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