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Bougainville government to focus on improving health infrastructure

Broadcast United News Desk
Bougainville government to focus on improving health infrastructure


Soroken Health Centre Project Update: One month after the groundbreaking ceremony, the site for the new Soroken Health Centre has been cleared and construction materials arrived this week. Once completed, the new health centre will provide outpatient services, accident and emergency care, operating theatres, a surgical ward, a maternity waiting room, two delivery rooms, postpartum services and a family support centre. The Soroken Health Centre project is funded by the Asian Development Bank, the Australian Government and Go

Last month, the site and construction materials for the new Soroken Medical Centre were delivered. Once completed, the new centre will offer outpatient services, accident and emergency care, operating theatres, a surgical ward, a maternity waiting room, two delivery rooms, postpartum services and a family support centre.
photo: Facebook / Autonomous Bougainville Government

Health Minister Clement Totawan says the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) is prioritising improving health facilities across the region.

according to Bougainville Long-Term Vision 2052Due to the large population and rugged mountainous terrain of Bougainville Island, the provision of medical services is very difficult.

Totaven said the autonomous region of Papua New Guinea has several health projects at different stages of development.

He said the Kunua District Health Centre in Soroken on the west coast of North Bougainville would be a tertiary health centre to serve communities along the west coast.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of next year and more than 20,000 people in the Mahari and Teua electorates are expected to benefit from the project

Totaven said Buka General Hospital is actively addressing basic equipment issues, especially new X-ray machines and CT scanners.

He said the hospital is currently using a portable X-ray machine while efforts are underway to procure a new one.

Plans for the construction of the Arawa Specialist Referral Hospital, which will be designated as a Level 5 healthcare facility, are moving forward, with the design tender to be announced this week.

“This new facility is being set up in line with the National Health Plan, one of the priorities of which stipulates that every province must have a specialist referral hospital.

“My department remains committed to ensuring this new hospital meets the highest standards.”

In South Bougainville, the Buin District Hospital is planned to be developed into a quaternary health facility and will be funded primarily by the Asian Development Bank.

Denis Loconet explain In June, the government said that while it was committed to building an effective and well-functioning healthcare system, “this cannot be achieved without the required human and financial resources”.

ADB representatives are currently in Bougainville for consultations.


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