SANTO DOMINGO – Six people were injured when a truck collided with an SUV on the Piedra Blanca-Maimón highway in the community of El Pino, Nuel department, this Wednesday.
The 911 Security Emergency System reported in a statement that traffic in the area remains partially blocked and authorities are working with two units of the Ministry of Public Works to clear the road.
At present, it is unclear what the condition of the injured is or where they have been transferred to.
Emergency services were dispatched to the scene of the incident, with three ambulances from the Paramedic Service also involved. Out-of-hospital emergencies (DAEH); two trucks from the San José del Puerto Fire Department; a unit from the National Police; two units from the Department of Public Works and one unit from the General Directorate of Traffic and Land Transportation Security (Digesett).
document: Intrant announces measures to improve transport
Traffic conditions in the area remain partially blocked and authorities are working to rescue those affected and clear the roads.
911 urges citizens to give way to emergency vehicles to ensure prompt medical attention.
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