Broadcast United

After Solingen attack: Minister Paul: Test Dublin regulations

Broadcast United News Desk
After Solingen attack: Minister Paul: Test Dublin regulations


After the attack Solingen NRW Refugee Minister Josephine Paul (Greens) called for a review of the Dublin III Regulation, which regulates asylum jurisdiction. Deportations under this regulation are a legally extremely complex process involving different levels and authorities, she explained at her ministry in Düsseldorf. “This process must be tested fundamentally so that such return transfers do not fail due to procedures.”

In any case, we are currently checking the suspected Solingen attackers’ apps for any bugs. These must be fully identified and clarified, and the necessary measures taken. We have a responsibility to the victims and their families.

Proposes a working group between federal, state and local authorities

The work of the competent authorities at all levels must also be better integrated and coordinated. Paul recommends the establishment of an institutionalized working group between the federal government, the states and the municipalities, which should accurately determine the current obstacles and barriers in the repatriation process, especially in the Dublin transfer. Legal conclusions must then be drawn from this. “Such cases must never happen again – this must be a prerequisite for all German authorities.” Paul emphasizes: “I hope that the terrible events in Solingen will not happen again, and we will take all necessary measures to ensure that nothing like this happens in the future.”

“We are all deeply shocked by this attack in the center of our country,” Paul continued. “The entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia is devastated by this horrific act and hatred.”

The NRW refugee ministry is currently trying to clarify the issue of the failed repatriation of Syrians – “with due urgency and the necessary thoroughness and consistency”. The Central Migration Office in Bielefeld has requested a report and all the necessary information from the responsible federal office.

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