Through a press release issued on Sunday, September 1, prosecutor Yves Dupas announced the arrest of a man who admitted to being involved in several vehicle thefts.
The arrest took place two days ago, but was not officially announced until this Sunday. On Friday, a 31-year-old man was arrested by GIGN in St. Louis. “At the end of a long surveillance effort” and was carried out within the framework of a search warrant issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Suspect, “Rock duo Wamytan dit Banane”He was suspected of being involved in several carjackings that occurred between May 31 and June 29 in Mont-Dore, prosecutors wrote.
Yves Dupas said the facts confessed by the alleged perpetrator during his detention, noting that the thefts were accompanied by physical violence or threats and intimidation against the victims. The 31-year-old man was charged after being detained and placed in pretrial detention.
“The defendant indicated in his statement that the stolen vehicle was used for travel before it was set on fire”prosecutors said, he mentioned “has a substantial criminal record, in particular for involvement in a criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable by 10 years’ imprisonment”. The defendant is in legal recidivism status.
Is this a question that anyone else would ask? In any case, this is what Yves Dupas suggests, according to whom the police and prosecutors hope “Continue to firmly uphold all legal actions” and arrests of other suspected offenders who have committed violent robberies and acts of violence in the St. Louis area in recent months.
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