For 18 years, before the factory was built, tingiririca energy Following the approval of the Environmental Qualifications Resolution (RCA), it made a commitment to the O’Higgins area community: Implementing a monitoring program responsible for assessing and guaranteeing the protection of the ecosystem of flora and fauna, water quality and protected species, which is implemented for each project promoted by the hydropower company.
After starting operations Confrencia and La Higuera, The company continues to implement its monitoring program, taking another step forward as required by the RCA, with great results in the development of data in this important area, which reflects the environmental protection standards that Tinguiiririca Energía seeks to promote.
“Despite the possibility of ending this environmental commitment, we have decided to continue monitoring it on a voluntary basis, given the importance of the ecosystem, because it is very relevant information for us to know what is happening, to understand its development and dynamics. . River is therefore a very valuable instance that has even resulted in scientific publications related to the information collected here, so we will continue our commitment and give the community greater peace of mind to protect our environment,” he explained. Roberto Leiva, Deputy Environmental Manager, Tinguiririca Energía. Moreover, he added, “a commitment to the region, the community and conservation is fundamental to every project undertaken.”
Have a participatory vision
The last sampling took place on Tuesday, August 27, in the Puente Negro area, where community leaders and teachers participated for the first time as part of a pilot program. Its aim is to promote participatory monitoring and bring these important issues closer to the community. The event allowed neighbours and invited professors to observe and learn about the main species that inhabit the river and the work developed by Tinguiiririca Energía.
“I find monitoring very interesting, I like the way they capture, observe and analyze samples, it is very striking. What I appreciate most about this activity is that it is carried out for the benefit of the flora and fauna of the department. They explain to us that some animals are in danger of extinction and it is very important to protect them. “Commented Pablo Toro, teacher at the Puente Negro School. “I hope that everything will reach more people, especially the community, it will be very interesting for them to absorb something about the ecosystem. “Yes and “What happened to the basin?” commented Erika Pardo, treasurer of the Puente Negro Neighborhood Association.
Places with strong cultural heritage
The strength of the current and the high slope of the Tingiririca River seem to be important for Tingiririca Energy, not only because it plays a key role in energy production, but also because in its depths many unknown species hide and inhabit, now protected, a phenomenon that dates back to 1980, such as the case of Diplomystes chilensis or the freshwater Tollo, one of the four monitored species, which lives in river and lake environments, preferably in rocky bottoms and mud rich in organic matter. Its diet consists of crustaceans, insects and annelids; it is currently in danger of extinction.
“This is a turbid river where most people think nothing of it, even the fauna is insignificant, this place is a living heritage that we must take care of. Several studies and multiple data have been generated during these years of monitoring. The efforts made by Tinguiiririca Energía together with the community are valued because they allow us to educate precisely in favor of the environment, understanding the impact we have in preserving ecosystems for future generations,” he commented. Rodrigo Pardo, PhD in Ecology, continental expert on aquatic systems, professional leader of AquaExpert.
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