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Names of God in the Quran

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Names of God in the Quran


Names of God in the Quran
The proof that God’s name means God’s rule is:
His statement in Surah Al-Waqi’ah "So glorify your great name."
And what he said in Surat Al-Muzzamamil"And mention the name of your Lord "
He said “Surah Al-Ala” "Glory to your name, Lord Most High"
Praise, that is, the mention of the Name of the Lord, means submission to the Rule of God, because verbal remembrance does not take place only in the words of the Lord, the Great and the Most High, just as remembrance, that is, verbal praise, does not take place continuously day and night, but is continuous in submission to the Rule of God during the waking hours of the day, so the word “Name” means judgment, and as for the word “God” means the Lord of Creation, as is proved by the following statement: He said in Surah Al-Alaq
"Read in the name of the Creator"
God is the Lord, the Creator
Basmalah is repeated 114 times in the current Quran in the name of Allah, 113 times at the beginning of each chapter of the Quran, and once in the letter Surat An-Naml from Solomon (PBUH) to the Queen of Sheba, saying: "It comes from Solomon, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ".
Half of it is also mentioned in Surah Hud (may God bless him and grant him peace), but we have not included it in the number because it is incomplete, as God Almighty said "In the name of God, its conductor and anchor "The meaning of Basmala is valid alone unless it is linked to the following statement, then we must say that Allah, the Merciful and Beneficial One, has ruled as the Muslims say, He is "Thank God, Lord of all worlds "Praise to Allah means that the judgment belongs to Allah, as He says in the Al-Qasas"All praise in the beginning and in the future belongs to Him, and judgment also belongs to Him"The praise of Him here is explained as that everything He has in the heavens and on earth is the obedience of creation to His rule. For the Lord of all things, submission to God’s rule is the recognition of His ownership. The world, which means the Creator of all things, confirms what Allah Almighty said in Surah Al-An’am. "He is the Lord of all "In other words, according to Surah Al-Kahf, the Lord of Heaven and Earth "Our Lord is the Lord of Heaven and Earth
Sacrifices of animals and game must bear the name of God:
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (PBUH) that Muslims asked Him, which means they should ask Him to understand:
What do I allow them to do as far as food is concerned? He was asked to say to them: I allow you to do good things, and I allow you to do useful things, such as food and prey caught by trained animals, under two conditions:
– It must be kept for the teacher, i.e. caught for the teacher, and not eaten by the trained animal. If the trained animal eats it, the teacher is not allowed to do so.
– Mentioning the name of God in him means having the teacher repeat the ruling of God, which is revealed when he sends out the trained animals.
From this we know that God teaches people knowledge through Revelation and allows people to teach animals to hunt. God requires believers to fear God, which means to obey God’s sovereignty and avoid being punished by God.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"They ask you: What is lawful for them? Say: What is lawful for you is the prey you know, and you taught them from what God taught you, so eat what they catch for you. The name of God is above it, and fear God, for God will judge quickly."
The name of the animal being slaughtered must be mentioned before it is eaten:
God requires believers to eat the foods mentioned above with God’s name, which means that they eat livestock or game that echo God’s judgment on him, and he means to obey God alone by eating them if they are believers, that is, they are honest in saying that they believe in the revelation.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"So if you are a believer, eat the name of God mentioned above"
Replace the animal sacrifices that mention the gods’ names above:
God asks the believers: What is the problem with you not being able to eat what is mentioned in the name of God, what does this mean? What prevents you from eating that which is in obedience to God’s rules? The problem is telling them that animals that are slaughtered to repeat God’s rule, and those that are slaughtered with the purpose of doing good to obey God by eating them, means that it is okay to eat them.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"Why shouldn’t you eat anything that has God’s name mentioned in it? "
It is forbidden to eat animals slaughtered without mentioning the name of God:
God asks believers not to eat anything that does not mention God’s name, meaning that they should not eat sacrifices that God has not repeatedly ruled over, that is, sacrifices offered to people other than God, in confirmation of His statement in Surah Al-Baqarah."They are not worthy of anyone except God."The killing meant disobedience to God and showed them that it was immoral, meaning that eating animals that were slaughtered without intent to obey God was blasphemous.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"You must not eat anything that does not mention the name of God, because this is immoral. "
Among the animals that the pagans were forbidden to keep was one that did not have the name of God mentioned on it:
Allah explained to His Prophet (PBUH) that the masters of the pagans said to them: These are cattle and crops, meaning stone crops, that is, no one can eat them except whomever We want and whomever We want. Meaning, no one can eat them except whomever We want to eat. This means that they picked out some cattle and crops, except for whomever they want to eat. They explained to him that they made the following regulations for the cattle they kept. It is forbidden to appear, meaning it is forbidden to ride them, which means that they did not work, and explained to him that they made the following regulations for cattle, in which the name of God is not mentioned, and what it means is that they legislated to eat cattle, but did not repeat the ruling of God when slaughtering cattle, all this is slander against Him, which is a lie against God, that is, to attribute wrong legislation to God, for which He will reward them for what they invented, which means that He will punish them for what they lied about in the past, that is, what they described, that is, what they said, attributed to lies, and there is evidence to support his statement in the Quran. ‘Yes."Their description will reward them"
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"They say: “No one may eat these animals and stone crops except what he wants to eat.” According to them, some animals are forbidden to appear, and some of them they do not mention the name of God. This is slander against Him, and He will punish them for their slander. "
Cow Sacrifice during Hajj:
God explained that he said to Abraham (PBUH) that the visitors came to bring them benefit, meaning to bring them benefit, i.e. to take food from God’s provision, and mentioned God’s name that God prepared livestock for them on specific days, what does that mean is to obey God’s rule, which is revelation, to offer them livestock on specific days, God’s rule over livestock is God said to the pilgrims, “Eat it and feed the poor.” Meaning to feed with it, meaning they eat part of the sacrifice and give the other part to the poor who have no income to live.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"So that they might bear witness to their own benefit and mention the names of the animals which God had provided for them on the day of revelation, they therefore ate them and fed the poor man. "
God makes it clear to us that the bodies, that is, the camels, create the ritual – that is, God creates the ritual for us, they are sacrifices to God, it is permissible to kill them, they are good for us, that is, God requires us to mention God’s name in the row, which means that we obey God’s rule by killing them in the row, which means that the killing of the bodies is organized. They are lined up and killed at the appointed time, so if their sides become mandatory, that is, if their bodies fall, this is what it means, then if their bodies stop moving, then we must eat, that is, feed and get food from them, that is, give their meat to the contented, that is, the needy, the helpless, that is, the unfortunate and the poor, which confirms what he said in the same chapter. "They fed the poor man."He explained to us that it is like this, that is, through this method, that is, slaughter, he provides us, that is, it benefits us greatly, and the reason is that we can thank him, that is, we will obey his wisdom.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"We made the body for you according to the rites of God, and it is good for you, so mention the name of God on its lines and if necessary on the south side of it, then eat of it and feed a contented heart and a free man. "
Allah explained to us that He established rituals for each nation, that is, He designated for each nation an altar, meaning a place for slaughtering livestock, which is the name of Mecca. God’s will is to obey the regulations of the livestock that God gave them for sacrifice. This means that the slaughter of livestock is to obey God’s regulations. God gave them livestock
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"We have appointed a ceremony for each nation to mention the name of God on the livestock that God provides for them. "
Where God’s name is mentioned:
God has made it clear to us that the oppressed who are allowed to fight are those who have been unjustly driven from their homes, meaning they have been driven from their countries without committing a crime that deserves to be driven out, unless they say: “Our Lord means the religion of our God, and the Lord is justice, God has made it clear to us that if God does not push people against each other, then what does it mean. God repelled creation because of the following events: I destroyed, that is, corrupted, that is, abolished, silos, that is, sold, that is, prayer, that is, mosques, that is, countries, that is, lands, to confirm what He said in the Qur’an. "If God had not pushed people against each other, the earth would be corrupted"The land where the name of Allah is mentioned often will become corrupt, which means that the Islamic nation that always follows the rule of Allah will disobey the rule of Allah due to lack of revenge, which is resistance to falsehood.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"Those who were unjustly driven out of their homes, unless they said, “Our Lord is God.” If God had not driven people out one by one, the silos, synagogues, prayer halls and mosques that often mentioned God’s name would have been destroyed. "
God’s name is the ship’s course and anchorage:
God made it clear that when our command came, it meant that God’s punishment was complete, so the oven and the means fled, and water gushed out from the earth and the sky, and we said to Noah (may God bless him. Give him peace), “Carry two per pair,” which means “riding on each animal, two people.” This means that he should take the males of each kind of earth creature. And the females and your family, except those who were mentioned before in this word and its meaning, and your family, except those who were involved in the revelation he did not believe in, that is, his sons and his wife, and as the saying goes "Your people will not believe except those who already believe "If his sons and his wife did not believe, who would believe? God has made it clear to us that only a few believed. This means that only a few believed. So Noah (may God bless him and grant him peace) said to them, “Take the boat.” This means God’s judgment, which means God is the only One who can push it, and He is the only One who can stop it. Indeed, my Lord is forgiving and merciful. This means that my God is beneficial and helpful to believers.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"Until My command came and the furnace was exhausted, I said, “Bring into the furnace every married couple and your families, except those who have spoken and those who believe.” He said, “In the name of God who created it and anchored it, ride in. Verily, my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.” "
The Names of God in the Book of Suleiman:
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (peace be upon him) that the queen received this message and said to those around her, O illustrious people, who were present: I have received a generous letter, the meaning of which is that this is a great message. I understand that it is written from Solomon and it is written in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Lord of the Merciful, the Most Merciful, do not exalt yourself against me, meaning that you do not disobey my words and come to me as Muslims, that is, come to me in submission to the rule of Allah. He asked them to accept Islam and not to disbelieve. This is a short message that contains what is asked in a clear and unambiguous way, from which we understand that true writing begins with writing in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful. Say what you want in a clear and unambiguous picture.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"She said, O distinguished persons, I have received a sublime letter from Solomon, written in the name of the most merciful and most merciful God, do not exalt yourselves against me, and submit to me. "
In the name of the Lord:
God explained to His Prophet (PBUH) that the Name of the Lord, which is the Judgment of God, which is Heaven and Hell, is blessed, meaning it persists, meaning it remains, and God is the owner of glory, meaning honor, meaning the owner of greatness, which is pride.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"Blessed be the name of your Lord, possessor of glory and honor "
Praise God’s name:
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"So glorify your great name. "
Allah asked His Prophet (PBUH) to praise the name of His Great Lord, which means acting in a praising manner, that is, confirming what He said in the Quran according to the judgment of His Great Creator."So praise your Lord"
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"So glorify your great name. "
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (PBUH) that this is the reward and punishment, which is the certain truth, the verdict of resurrection, which is the afterlife, and asked him to glorify the name of his great Lord, which means that he should act with judgment, which is a praise of his great Creator, as evidence of his statements in the Quran."So praise your Lord"
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"This is the truth, so glorify your great name. "
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that the Qur’an is the truth and certainty, which means that everyone is obliged to believe in it and that he is required to believe in the Qur’an to glorify the Name of His Great Lord, which means to act according to the rules of His Great Creator, the Qur’an.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
" Indeed, this is the established truth, so glorify your great name. "
Allah explained to His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that he had to glorify the Name of His Most High Lord, which meant that he submitted to the judgment of his Great Creator in order to confirm his statements regarding the Haqqa."So glorify your great name. "And God is the One who created and perfected it, that is, He created the created and perfected the created, and He is the One who predestined, so He guides, the One who predestined is the One who created the created and guides them to the created truth, the One who brings pasture, the One who predestined is the One who brings the plant, turning it into turbid scum, the One who predestined is the One who returns it as destroyed rubble, to confirm that He is in Surah Az-Zumar."Then he produces different colored crops with it, then it gets agitated and you see it turns yellow, then it breaks it into pieces "
In this regard, Almighty God said:
" Glorified be the name of your Lord, the Most High, who creates and corrects, who ordains and guides, who turns pastures into bitter dung. "
Mentioning the Name of the Lord:
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (PBUH) that he has a long glory during the day, meaning that he constantly obeys the revelations during the day and treats people according to the rule of Allah, and He said: “Mention the name of your Lord”, which means to follow the rule of God. He said: “And obey Him devoutly”, which means to follow the rule of God. Obey.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"During the day, you can spend long hours glorifying, mentioning the name of your Lord, and worshiping Him with all your heart. "
"Remember the name of your Lord in the morning and evening, and pay obeisance to Him and glorify Him during the long night. "
Allah asked His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to mention the name of his Lord in the morning and evening, meaning that he should submit to the Rule of his Lord day and night, which he interpreted as prostrating to Him and praising Him, meaning submitting to His Rule during the long night, meaning every night.
Allah has made it clear to us that the oppressor, that is, the infidel, is the one who prevents the people of the mosque from submitting to the Kingdom of Allah, that is, the rule of Allah, which is interpreted as seeking the rule of God. The destroyer of the nation is the one who seeks to let the injustice rule the people of the nation, and those who prevent the mention of the name of Allah cannot enter the Muslim country unless they are humiliated. The execution of God’s judgment on them is to kill them, and those who seek to destroy the Kingdom of God will be humiliated in this world, that is, humiliation is the execution of God’s judgment, killing them after they are captured or killing them in war, and for them, when they are resurrected, they will be tormented by fire.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"Who is more unjust than those who prevent the mosques of Allah from mentioning His name in them and try to destroy them? No one may enter them except out of fear, for it is a disgrace for them in this world and a disgrace for them in the Hereafter. A great punishment. "
Allah made it clear to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that in houses, that is, places of prayer, that is, mosques that Allah has allowed to be built, and places where Allah has commanded them to be built, and where his name is mentioned, that is, his revelations are repeated on them, that there are men, that is, males, who glorify God in the morning and evening, with the purpose of obeying God’s rule during the day and night – this means that women do not pray in public mosques – they are not distracted by trade (that is, selling), which means that they are not distracted by the exchange of money, without mentioning, which is to obey Allah’s rule in other matters.
In this regard, Almighty God said:
"In the houses that God allowed to be built and in which His name is mentioned, people glorify Him morning and evening, and people do not distract the remembrance of God by trade or sales. "
Read in the name of God:
Allah made it clear to His Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that this should be recited in the name of the Creator, which means that he should act according to the rules of the Creator. God created humans from a piece of flesh, which means that He created individuals from a small piece of flesh in the womb.

In this regard, Almighty God said:
" Read in the name of your Lord, Who created mankind from a clot of blood


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