Broadcast United

CPA launches youth leadership program to develop critical skills and combat drug abuse

Broadcast United News Desk
CPA launches youth leadership program to develop critical skills and combat drug abuse


Tinley Nangai

Chittun Pendehai Association (CPA), a registered civil society organisation (CSO), yesterday launched a youth leadership programme for 32 students from eight high schools in Thromde, Thimphu.

The program, which will run until Sept. 17, is in line with the association’s commitment to increasing awareness and education about drug and alcohol use among youth and the public.

YLP is designed to develop key life skills such as critical thinking, public speaking, research, communication and leadership.

The program also aims to develop skills for personal growth and civic engagement, such as building confidence, teamwork, problem-solving, empathy and leadership qualities.

The programme consists of competitive activities, including debates and public speaking in Dzongkha and English, which last about two hours.

In yesterday’s debate, students from BFF Academy and Rinchen HSS debated the topic “Parents vs. Schools: Whose role is more critical in preventing drug abuse?”

BFF Academy emerged victorious in both the Debating and Public Speaking competitions.

Students and teachers of BFF Academy are confident of winning the competition. They said that the school has been training for the competition for some time and has high expectations for the competition.

Most of the debate topics were drug-related, including drug education programs, addressing drug addiction, social stigma and discrimination against drug users.

During the preliminary round, students Demonstrate their public speaking skills by delivering presentations on eight selected CSO-related topics. Each participant highlights the overall mission of their assigned CSO, explaining its importance and impact on the community and country.

In the semi-finals, contestants will give speeches on topics including drugs, artificial intelligence, youth employment, etc.

Tshering Yangdon, a Grade 12 student at Yangchinpu High School, said the CPA program not only promotes the Dzongkha language, but also helps students broaden their understanding of drug prevention and leadership.

Health Minister Tandin Wangchuk, who attended the launch, said the government was committed to addressing drug abuse and mental health issues in the country to promote the well-being of young people.

Leonpaugh stressed that leadership and communication skills are essential not only for personal development, but also for making a meaningful impact on the world.

The project is held in partnership with BBS and funded by the National Bank of Bhutan.


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